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Your usernames.

When you made your username, what were you thinking?<br>Did you already have a good idea on what you wanted your username to be?<br>Do you like your username?<br>Do you use the same username anywhere else?<br><br><br>When I first made up this username, I was thinking of how the old hippy guys in random movies say "aliens", they drag it out. <br><br>When I made mine on here, yes. I was already using this username in several other places and was too lazy to think of an entirely new name for each place.<br><br>I love my username. <br><br>I use this same username everywhere else.


  • My user name... seems very n00bish xD lmao. Its rather obvious what I was thinking (it seems all my user names revolve around something I like)<br><br><br>Before this one, I used to use DannyPhantom66 (TV show, with my favorite number) <br><br>Now I usually use Nickel, or BleachedNickel when on other sites (bleach being my current fav. TV show)<br><br>Hmm...<br><br>I do use Kaiya a lot too though now that's about as creative as it gets for me xD She's one of my characters... but hey, at least it isnt a band or TV show :lol:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • i used to be Dunkey.. which was a name a teacher made up yonks ago.. caused i was too small to be a donkey.. and it turned out be 'hello' in african i think.. anyway i got bored with that as it got old and seemed childish xD it was either Woodpecker or Kingfisher out of the two.. i chose Woodpecker..

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • I love my user name. <br><br>Maybe 4 or 5 years ago my friend and I were role playing wolves. My wolf was Zagari. When I made it up it was kind of random. My friend told me to hurry up and name my wolf and the only think I could think of was the race horse Cigar. That wasn't cool so I changed it to Zigar. Then it was Zagar and I added and "i" at the end to make it sound girly. So <span style="font-weight:bold">Zagari</span> it became. <br><br>When I started this game, naturally I chose Zagari Wolf for my user name. Zagari was the name I used for all my role playing characters and she was a wolf. So... yeah. <br><br>On most sites I am at, yes I use Zagari Wolf or just Zagari. Although, recently I've just been using my first name, first letter of my last name. <br><br>But yes, I do really like my name of Zagari. It's rather unique if you ask me. lol
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Well, this forums account wasn't mine to begin with, so I don't really like this name. :P<br>It was my sister's. . .<br>She used to be "BobCat" before me. Then she quite and I logged on and took over for her. lol XD<br>So, yes, my name is NOT paige. Its my sister's. I don't like this forum account name. . . :?<br>But hey, thats what people know me by on here and it would be weird to just randomly change it. :P<br><br><br>I use XxXEmergencyRoomXxX with everything!<br>That or BobbyCat.<br>Those two are what I'm known as on other sites :) lol<br>Also, my emails and such. ^_^ <3</span></span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">I honestly have no idea why I chose SimStar.<br>Simea is my dogs name, yes. So the first past is about Sim.<br>No idea why I chose star. Maybe cause one of my RL nicknames is Madsta .. -shrugs-<br><br>I use Simm, Arclight or Talonette on other sights. :D <br>And Elspeth Gordie is my favourite book character. (Obernewtyn)</span></span>
  • lmao. I have a really sad reason for my username. A long, long time ago (not really, just maybe 4 years ago), Lovey signed up on VP as loveandpeace, but when she signed up for the forums, she misspelled, and it came out loveandpace. Afterwards, she changed her ingame name to Three Fates, to match the three people who shared the account. I'm not too happy about my forum name anymore (especially the misspelling), but it's been around for a while, and usually when people retype it, they automatically fix the spelling. I've never used Loveandpace/loveandpeace anywhere else, but I've started using Lovey and Three Fates.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">I use Souhaits on a few sites because I bought a sponser on this and that was the playername and I really liked it. :D<br>It's french for wishes. So clever. xD<br><br>Thenn sometimes I use Meerkat.. just because. :D</span></span>
  • I got my user name from Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. My mom breeds them in real life. And when I joined 4 years ago I thought it was Wheaton.<br><br>I use Wheaton on like every site. But one Im WebsterTheCat after my kittie.
  • Mine..I can't remember. I went to to try and get just a simple short name that's not used too often. *shrugs* Before I was leaf on chat but then found out there was topleaf and that's when I changed. <br><br>Its fun hearing everyones stories behind their names. lmao<br><br>And it took me awhile to figure out it was pace and not peace anyways. I always read it peace. lol ;)
  • I like all these interesting stories x3.
  • I like Garfield comic books. xD<br>But I don't like my user name.<br>I don't use it on other sites, normally I use 'Regretted Roses' which is my playername on VP.<br><br>I would love to change it but I don't want to at the same time... plus, it'd confuse others and I don't want to create multiple accounts, yada, yada. =P<br><br>So. Now I'm Garfieldz Gal. D:<
  • <span style="font-size:92">Well.. xD <br><br>My original name was Violet-Eyed.. I got that from a book (Magyk), someone in it had violet eyes.. O.o<br><br>THEN, it changed to Sea Oats. Sea Oats is a hotel we party at down at the beach every summer. xD<br><br><br>My username everywhere else is xpancakehox.. >.> Something Stetson and I came up with when we first started dating, I don't really remember how it happened..</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I, at one point, nearly bought this horse named Tattoo.<br><br>Annnnddd. I love tattoos. My whole family has atleast two each. They're just something personal to me and my family. Some families bond over sports. Or music, or something. My family? We prefer to sit still for hours while someone permanently etches art into our skin. Its who we are, really. The only times we all get together now is on holidays and to go out to dinner after someone gets a new tat.<br><br>Thaaat was way more deep than i had anticipated.
  • I go by Para,cause i dont like my full name. but idk the kennel name is goldendays and i needed to change it from lablover(something idr..) soo i was on chat and I was like Paradise hmm then someone told me to put puppy after it. thats how it became paradise_puppy...<br><br>lamee i know.. :roll:
    Para cant make her mind up as to which banner to put on here haha.. crazyy para
  • Lol, I didn't know that my username would be viewed by other players, I thought it was just for login so I made up something random. :D
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • <span style="font-size:75">I has two, mkay?<br>Dreamland..<br>Jasper bought an account. And it's kennel was Dreamland.. So I stole the name. *clever*<br><br>And then Eulah! is before/after my cat. And the explanation point is because she's a naughty cat and we're always raising our voices at her because she feigns deafness. <333<br><br>I use Eulah! mostly now, but I use Dreamy on a few other sites.</span>
  • I use Rosy on just about everything (with a few notable exeptions), because thats what I go by in RL, but since I wanted to do greyhounds on VP, I added RacerFast, and thats my ingame name too (RacerFastTraining). <br>My kennel name in the game though, is Speed & Love, and thats where the S&L on my dogs comes from. I don't really like it anymore, but now that all of my dogs say it, I can't really change it.
  • Heh, SandyPaws..I think my sister gave me the idea or something, I really can't remember. I use it on most sites, except I think one or two are PurpleZebraTaco, and Tacokins for one site and msn/yahoo messenger. Then Imaginary came up because Horse bought me a gifty colored Imaginary. >D
  • I made up my username Lycanthrin like 4 or 5 years ago.<br>One day I was watching the movie underworld (the first part), and I love Lycans and I'm totally obsessed about them!! So I was like hmmm....Lycanthrin (a combination of Lycan + Catherine, but I dropped the "e") And no Catherine isn't my real life name. So ever since I made up that name, it stucked to me. I do use that name for other websites.<br><br>When I think of the name Lycanthrin, I image some kind of powerful werewolf. Either like a queen or a werewolf that travels the world and can't be stopped.
  • Ah. Well.<br><br>When i was in year 1 my best friend gave me the nickname Clozo from my real name Chloe... so thats where the Clozo bit came from xD<br>Then a couple of years later i wanted to make a hotmail account but clozo was taken as an address and i didnt want to have numbers so i started brainstorming ideas and came up with clozobozo and bozoclozo.. took it to a vote between my friends and it became clozobozo :D<br>It stuck and I use it for basically everything :shock: <br>And if its not that, its Klinartic...<br><br>Now I have lots of little names I use derived from that nickname >.>
  • Hmm the name Trisscar actually came from a book. I like my names to be unique and thats pretty unique. my kennel name on vp is now Channing Mystique which that means Young wolf with air of mystery! I do use Trisscar on a few other sites I used to play but on some I had it shortened to Triss. lol since thats what everyone calls me usually. When I got this account the name was between Trisscar or Lone Wolf.
  • lol For the Tina Wolf part, that was just . . . so long ago, I have no idea how that happened. ^^<br><br>As for my other name, I had a lion character on this one RPG named Sunvero . . . and I thought it was so pretty that I changed it to Sunvera for myself. (And I use that, literally,<span style="font-style:italic"> everywhere </span>except on here XD). And I've slightly altered it to fit different things . . . like I already have a Sunvera account on here (my old showing kennel) so I changed to Siviana and Sunvira and stuffs. XD Now I mostly use the Siviana kennel.<br><br>Hmm . . . there is also Golden Moon, which is what I'm known as on my old wolf RPG, or Silver Storm, which was for my very first roleplay ever. Ah, the InvisionFree memories. :lol:
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