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Know It All Children o.O

edited August 2009 in Vent
I am not normally a 'Venter' though due to the something or other that happened yesterday I have decided to take it up :D<br><br>Yesterday I was down the stables mucking out grooming etc,... doing the usual really. I was tacking up ready for the morning lesson which was a lesson for beginners on lead rein. I go into the office to take another look at the book to see what else needed doing and I saw there was another lesson booked, this is where the fun begins!<br><br>I half own a young evented/allrounder down the stables who I have put down there for working livery. Under the conditions that he his exercised regularly by EXPERIENCED riders. So I go down to the field get him out take him to the yard, groom, tack up give him a little treat for being a good boy and I wait for his rider to turn up. Not only did she turn up late but she was only 13 years old. I was like o.O I had never seen her ride before so I was a little antsy and I spoke to her mum asking if she had ridden Oscar before and her mum said no but she knows how to ride and she started coming up with rubbish about how every horse is the same and how she takes part in shows and blah blah blah... <br><br>So, I was like fine ok then. Now she WAS down for a lesson in the menage but oh no, the little dumpling had hurt her leg and she didn't feel up for schooling and so SHE wanted to go for a hack. Now Oscar isn't a happy hacker, so I said "Sorry, No. He isn't a hacking horse I am afraid, though if you are wanting a quite hack you can take Harry. he is already still tacked up as he was used just a minute a go (Harry is a 17year old 16.3hh ex-police horse) I know he is big but he is lovely to take out on hacks and he is alot safer" But, you can guess it she started getting all stressed because she wanted to take Oscar and I was just like, did nothing I just say matter? He is my horse (halfly) and so what I say go's, plus I work there! So her mum says to me "Ok, if your that worried I will go with her, he will be fine we pay to come here and it would be nice to see her get my moneys worth!" I still wasn't having any of it so my boss came down (as she knows how protective of Oscar I am) and she said this girl is a good enough rider for Oscar and that he will be fine.<br><br>Right, they toodle off, I carry on mucking out mumbling under my breath. And I get a phone call. "Helen come down quick, I'm at Jenny's hurry" So I panick get in the car and rush off to find Oscar lying in the road (still alive after being hit by a car) with a shattered hind leg (left) I didn't expect any of it, I was soo angry (and still am) at this womans and this little girls stupidity! Just because they THOUGHT they know everything about EVERY horse in the entire world! Now Oscar (RIP) has had to be put down (he was put down there and then) not only was he a good horse when it came to ability etc,.. he was also a lovely horse in all aspects, he had a lovely temrement, we had our own little routine and now he has gone due to some silly little brats know-it-all-ness! I have been given the week off so I am going to drown my sorrows banner making :(<br><br>Also, for those of you who were wondering how Oscar ended up getting hit by a car in the first place, he spooked at a man strimming in one of the gardens so he bolted, the young girl (Emmily) came off her mum couldn't catch him, he ran out onto the main road took one of the drivers by surprise whom sadly could not break in time. His left hind leg was shattered, his hoof was literally no longer attached to his leg, his rump had been cut, he had a puncture to his flank, So, no he couldn't have been saved.<br><br>*Cookies to those who read*


  • o.o I wouldn't have the life effort to even press two buttons to turn mi computer on if that happened, let alone type all that. x.x That little girl and her mum wouldn't be in any condition to ride for a good 10 years if ya ask me. >.>'<br>But anyways-I'm really sorry that happened. :( I wouldn't have let the little brat ride if even a hair from it's mane was mine. >.< Any kid that gets worked up over riding a horse she's never ridden before doesn't know much about riding or horses in general if ya ask me. :roll:
  • o.o I wouldn't have the life effort to even press two buttons to turn mi computer on if that happened, let alone type all that. x.x That little girl and her mum wouldn't be in any condition to ride for a good 10 years if ya ask me. >.>'<br>But anyways-I'm really sorry that happened. :( I wouldn't have let the little brat ride if even a hair from it's mane was mine. >.< Any kid that gets worked up over riding a horse she's never ridden before doesn't know much about riding or horses in general if ya ask me. :roll:
    <br><br>I know :cry: I was determined for her not to ride, then my boss turned up to ask what all the fuss was about, it was her final decision to let that little beastly brat ride, as I only half owned Oscar. (I had him on a paid trial basis, as I was waiting until the show season had ended for me to pay the full amount for him) I had to go with my boss' view that she was a good enough rider (as I had never seen this girl ride before) and that I should give it a shot as she believed that Oscar had gotten alot better and that it would do him so good..... :(
  • I'd be pissed at your boss too. >.> -grumbles- All I know is that I refuse to listen to anything that the stable manager at the stables I ride at says. :roll: He purposely tried to get mi aunt thrown-after she said that if she gets thrown again she would probably be paralyzed. -.-'<br>Asshole. :x
  • I am at her too. It is a shame that I am the kind of person who gets walked over 24/7 (not literally) :evil: I find it soo hard to speak my mind in person hense the vent post here... She knows I am pissed off and really devestated I think thats why she gave me the week off.... Maybe now people will take me seriously! I saw it coming, I just wish I could have spoken up that little bit more so maybe none of this would have happened...
  • Ahww. I'm sorry ;-; Its so sad when a horse, or any animal in general, is put down D: <br><br>That little girl and her mother shouldn't be allowed near the stables for a while. The owner of the horse knows the horse best.<br><br>And she said that all horses are the same?<br>No. They have different temperments and everything else (-points out the obvious-). So yeah. Smack that woman and her daughter for me, please? :D
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Ahww. I'm sorry ;-; Its so sad when a horse, or any animal in general, is put down D: <br><br>That little girl and her mother shouldn't be allowed near the stables for a while. The owner of the horse knows the horse best.<br><br>And she said that all horses are the same?<br>No. They have different temperments and everything else (-points out the obvious-). So yeah. Smack that woman and her daughter for me, please? :D
    <br><br>It is :( I have had to be on sight when some horses have been injured and have had to be put down, it bothered me but it was the kindest thing to do yet this time seeing your own horse get put down it is really heart breaking. It as a shame this time as when it is a RTA they don't allow euthinasia (the injection) which made it a whole lot worse for me...<br><br>They're not :) Which is good, though it still happened all the same... If I see them they won't just get a smack lol They will get an entire facial makeover :D Well, not that I would have the guts lol
  • Marseilles wrote:
    Ahww. I'm sorry ;-; Its so sad when a horse, or any animal in general, is put down D: <br><br>That little girl and her mother shouldn't be allowed near the stables for a while. The owner of the horse knows the horse best.<br><br>And she said that all horses are the same?<br>No. They have different temperments and everything else (-points out the obvious-). So yeah. Smack that woman and her daughter for me, please? :D
    <br>They're not :) Which is good, though it still happened all the same... If I see them they won't just get a smack lol They will get an entire facial makeover :D Well, not that I would have the guts lol
    <br><br>Hahaa. I would :D I have no issue back talking to adults and kids. But yeah :/ Thats really sad Marse. Poor Oscar ;-;
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • lol, the most I would be able to do is give 'Evils' but thats about it :(
  • They're not :) Which is good, though it still happened all the same... If I see them they won't just get a smack lol They will get an entire facial makeover :D Well, not that I would have the guts lol
    <br><br>aww. You too nice. xD<br><br><span style="font-size:75">btw-mi edit was ass + hole. :roll: I still don't see why that gets edited. o.0</span>
  • They're not :) Which is good, though it still happened all the same... If I see them they won't just get a smack lol They will get an entire facial makeover :D Well, not that I would have the guts lol
    <br><br>aww. You too nice. xD<br><br><span style="font-size:75">btw-mi edit was ass + hole. :roll: I still don't see why that gets edited. o.0</span>
    <br><br>lol :D<br><br>Here is a picture of him: <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>I'm not trying to make this into a 'look at my horsey thread' Just a picture to show what he looked like for those who may have been interested :)
  • He so pretty! O.O I can't believe that you aren't on a "kill this little brat and her mum" mission. xD
  • Ohmygod that horse is gorgeous :O
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • He so pretty! O.O I can't believe that you aren't on a "kill this little brat and her mum" mission. xD
    <br><br>lol In my head I am! I just wouldn't know where to begin :shock:
  • Ohmygod that horse is gorgeous :O
    <br><br>He was :) To think he had just turned 7 :(
  • Marseilles wrote:
    Ohmygod that horse is gorgeous :O
    <br><br>He was :) To think he had just turned 7 :(
    Aww so young :/
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • -shakes head- too bad I gave up on mi tracker training. >.> I coulda helped with the finding them-then "taking them out" :wink: lol
  • -shakes head- too bad I gave up on mi tracker training. >.> I coulda helped with the finding them-then "taking them out" :wink: lol
    <br><br>lol Darn it! If you ever take it back up again let me know :)<br><br>I just spoke to the man from the Abatoir (The man who deals with RTA's works there) He said the ashes will be ready next week, it is nice how things are happening soo efficently, it will make things a whole lot easier when it comes to getting back on track.
  • Oh, I'm so sorry.<br><br>That's so sad. If I were you, next time I saw that girl I wouldn't let her get within 50ft of one of the horses.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • x.x I know that accidents happen, but this is ridiculous.<br>If i were you, someone would be paying dearly for this.<br>But that's just me.<br><br>I'm so sorry for your loss, though. I know what its like.
  • Thankyou :)<br><br>Yes, I woud say that I would want every single penny from this woman though my bhoss and informed me that it would be completely uncivilised and impossible....<br><br>:(
  • that horse is drop dead GORGEOUS. <33<br>and.<br><br>go find that little crappy brat and smack her face till you can't recognize her anymore. :3<br>that's what i would've done.<br>i would've yelled at the stupid mom, too. xDD<br><br>but it seems you're too nice to do that. xD<br>so, you can just curse them in your head. xD<br><br>but i really am sorry for your loss. <333<br>oscar was a gorgeous horse, he didn't deserve this because of one -stupid- little girl's mistake. :roll:<br>go tell your boss that you want that girl's full name and address. xDDD<br>if i were you.. oh that'd girl had better run. >___><br>but enough of my rambling.<br><br>i'm sorry that oscar died. D:<br>how old was he? ):
  • I'm sorry, but that woman would be receiving a lawsuit from me on Monday that this weekend would be dedicated to writing.
  • I agree!!!! Hire a lawyer..... you can do that, right?<br><br>
    how old was he? ):
    To think he had just turned 7
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • BlueIsis wrote:
    that horse is drop dead GORGEOUS. <33<br>and.<br><br>go find that little crappy brat and smack her face till you can't recognize her anymore. :3<br>that's what i would've done.<br>i would've yelled at the stupid mom, too. xDD<br><br>but it seems you're too nice to do that. xD<br>so, you can just curse them in your head. xD<br><br>but i really am sorry for your loss. <333<br>oscar was a gorgeous horse, he didn't deserve this because of one -stupid- little girl's mistake. :roll:<br>go tell your boss that you want that girl's full name and address. xDDD<br>if i were you.. oh that'd girl had better run. >___><br>but enough of my rambling.<br><br>i'm sorry that oscar died. D:<br>how old was he? ):
    <br><br>Thankyou :)<br><br>He had just turned 7 as of June 17th :(<br><br>reina: Apparently I can't according to my boss.... I am going to do everything I can in order to get some justice for what happened. Im going to need one thing/person for that though....<br><br>... My mum lol :)
  • O.O<br><br><br>I hope they've been banned from the ranch. Idiots. I couldn't help myself from loosing it if I were in that position.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Marseilles wrote:
    BlueIsis wrote:
    that horse is drop dead GORGEOUS. <33<br>and.<br><br>go find that little crappy brat and smack her face till you can't recognize her anymore. :3<br>that's what i would've done.<br>i would've yelled at the stupid mom, too. xDD<br><br>but it seems you're too nice to do that. xD<br>so, you can just curse them in your head. xD<br><br>but i really am sorry for your loss. <333<br>oscar was a gorgeous horse, he didn't deserve this because of one -stupid- little girl's mistake. :roll:<br>go tell your boss that you want that girl's full name and address. xDDD<br>if i were you.. oh that'd girl had better run. >___><br>but enough of my rambling.<br><br>i'm sorry that oscar died. D:<br>how old was he? ):
    <br><br>Thankyou :)<br><br>He had just turned 7 as of June 17th :(<br><br>reina: Apparently I can't according to my boss.... I am going to do everything I can in order to get some justice for what happened. Im going to need one thing/person for that though....<br><br>... My mum lol :)
    <br><br>Uhm. The horse was legally 1/2 yours. and they went against your wishes and took the horse out anyways. <br>If i were this girl or her mother, i would OFFER to pay for atleast the expenses of what had happened. But, maybe that's because i have a conscience.
  • Tattoo wrote:
    <br><br>Uhm. The horse was legally 1/2 yours. and they went against your wishes and took the horse out anyways. <br>If i were this girl or her mother, i would OFFER to pay for atleast the expenses of what had happened. <span style="color:red">But, maybe that's because i have a conscience</span>.
    <br><br>Let Tatt out on them >D Tatt'll teach her and her mother a lesson. Because that is a burn o.o
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • poor marse & oscar, what a stupid little brat. If he were half my horse i wouldnt take no for an answer. They went against your wishes and if he was on trial, then they should listen to YOU because, although he is fully yours, it was a legal contract thing.. and so at such he was YOUR horse.. not all horses are the same, no horses are the same, they may think because he is a riding school horse, he is docile and stuff, then you can do whatever you want with him. that is NOT the case, i cant tell you how much this post has angered me.. <span style="font-size:59">*stupid mother and child*</span>

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • Man, Tat would pwn them something awful.
  • I'm so sorry this made me cry reading it. He sounds like a great horse! What the mom and the daughter say to you? Also are they making it up some how?
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