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a game president?

edited August 2009 in Game Suggestions
what i was thinking is that it would be a step down from the game managers and that the presidnet would filter out the problems that needed the most attention


  • I agree with Wheaty. The OPS have everything under control.<br>There really isn't a reason for a "president"
  • its just for funsees. i think it would add a little more 2 the game expeirence
  • if it ever was made, it im 99.9% sure it wont, the 'president' wont be a player. It would be a person that nef knows and can trust. Effecitvly it would be another Op with a different title.. pretty pointless.. :)

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  • well whatever it would be silly.
  • I don't see the point in it.<br><br>And if it was to be added, then it would just add another level to getting help, and many players find that hard enough as that is.<br><br>No :)
  • ummm i dont think thats a good idea sorry but i yhink every year the game managers should be changed to give other ppl a responsibilty and a comemint job
    mercedes benzie
  • ummm i dont think thats a good idea sorry but i yhink every year the game managers should be changed to give other ppl a responsibilty and a comemint job
    mercedes benzie
  • ummm i dont think thats a good idea sorry but i yhink every year the game managers should be changed to give other ppl a responsibilty and a comemint job
    <br><br>Again, I say no :)<br><br>Game Masters need to be over 18, responsible and know the rules back to front. Imagine the chaos when the old ones and the new ones switch over . . .<br><br>Its no easy job, believe it or not ;) I'm one of the newer ops, and have been doing this for just over a year now, and I still consult older ops when it comes to certain issues.
  • yehna i know and i understand that but cant they still be changed and ive wanted to be an op for a long time but idk how to get da job and i know da rules
    mercedes benzie
  • yehna i know and i understand that but cant they still be changed and ive wanted to be an op for a long time but idk how to get da job and i know da rules
    mercedes benzie
  • We only go scouting for new Ops when there is a need. :) Like Jelly said, learning the ropes takes a long time, and switching it up between various people would be an utter disaster.
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