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edited August 2009 in Vent
OMG, I like totally hate novice adds! I posted in the bp, and got 1, then again the next morning, and got 2! That's 3 from 2 posts in less than 12 hours, most of which I was sleeping for! Why can't they follow vp rules and not send them? Post in the forums! I know they can't use the bp, but there are other ways! (post here, get a sponsor to post, but a sponsor...)<br>I am officially reporting all adds received via pm!
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  • I just add them to ignore and delet messages.<br>Then i go on with my happt]y vp life :P
  • Same here!! I probably get at least like 20 a week....And if i don't respond to them, they send the same message multiple times...I just reply "No, sorry can't buy dogs." I'm just to lazy to put people on ignore.<br><br><br>I guess I'm a too nice novice. hahaha
  • whell if novies had the right to post a bb may be we woulnd get anymore adds lets start a patiton whos with me??
    mercedes benzie
  • there is <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">no</span></span></span> way that novices will be allowed to post on the bark park. It has been brung up many times. It creates a higher chance of spamming, eg. people looking for bfs and gfs.. it was getting stupid. There is <span style="text-decoration:underline">many</span> ways for novices to advertise. I would know because i am one. :roll: If they wanted people to buy their dogs and stuff, they should come on here, and learn about not breeding hundreds of dogs from untrained parents.. thats what really bugs me. And dont call me stuck up or anything, ive been a novice since i joined (about 7 years ago) and have only owned one sponcer for 7 months, yet ive made alot of money, there is other ways than ads and the bp...

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • woodpecker wrote:
    there is <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">no</span></span></span> way that novices will be allowed to post on the bark park. It has been brung up many times. It creates a higher chance of spamming, eg. people looking for bfs and gfs.. it was getting stupid. There is <span style="text-decoration:underline">many</span> ways for novices to advertise. I would know because i am one. :roll: If they wanted people to buy their dogs and stuff, they should come on here, and learn about not breeding hundreds of dogs from untrained parents.. thats what really bugs me. And dont call me stuck up or anything, ive been a novice since i joined (about <span style="font-weight:bold">7 years ago)</span> and have only owned one sponcer for 7 months, yet ive made alot of money, there is other ways than ads and the bp...
    Pecker xD vp has only been open since like 04 xD I joined shortly after it opened<br><br>And yes novices can join the forums ;) or go on chat and post an add EVERY 15 minutes. its not that hard.
  • o.0 i swear its been longer.. i remember seeing when i was 6.. maybe i hallucinating xD

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • Yep, I'm a novice too, I post here and I'm fine with it. And novices ae not going to beallwod on the bark park, that has been posted so many times. :x
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • yep sound like we will never let NOVICES have that right back
    mercedes benzie
  • oh mi geez. :roll: <br>Get. <span style="font-style:italic">over</span>. It.<br>Everyone highly (like, 99.9999999%) doubts that novices will never get the <span style="font-weight:bold">privilage</span>, not a right, a <span style="font-weight:bold">privilage</span> back.<br>If you want to post on there soo bad-buy a damn sponsor. It's really not that hard. :roll: <br><br>As for the vent: Like everyone else has said (mostly); just put 'em on ignore and/or delete the message and continue on with your life. :p It's not worth getting pissed off over or taking time to whine about. :wink:
  • yep sound like we will never let NOVICES have that right back
    <br><br>Yup, you've got it.<br><br>The game owner was the one who decided never to let the novices have that privilage again. Too many people abused it. <br>Now, sponsers risk losing it all if they abuse the Bark Park, and novices can still advertise by using chat (if they can) or joining here on the Forums like you have :)
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