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New Batman Game. Dx>

edited August 2009 in Vent
Ok, so I almost DIED when I found out about new Batman video game coming out for playstation 3, Which I called "<span style="font-weight:bold">Batman Arcyum Asylum</span>" It looked fantasticly fun. You could be a the Joker and or Batman, and if you preorder you get like a secrete cheats and stuff. I loovvee Batman movies, cartoons, video games, and fanophelia(sp?). I liked it before the Dark Knight mind you, <span style="font-style:italic">(Even though Dark Knight only made me like it even more!)</span> All this sounds good and dandy right? That only, I don't have a playstation 3. ;C; I don't think I'll be having one anytime soon either. I spent our video game fund on the Wii. I've also been told that Halo is a great amzing fantastical game, and *grunt* I don't have a playstation 3. I have the playstation 2 that looks all sleek and fancey but is JUST as much as a peice of junk as any other one. AND, my brother monopalizes it because he's the one with all the games for it. I think I'll just sell my gamecube, but it's probley like 30$ because it's the orginal silver one. -____-;; Anyways, I really horribley want the Batman game, but I'm probley ganna grow old and be an old grandma before I get that awesome game. T^T I just felt like saying this cause I just got back from game stop. ;3; Even though this is long, feel not real need to reply.
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  • I have loved batman since the beggining of time tooooo. ;-;<br>Of course I'd rather keep my gamecube because I love to play "Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness." ;D<br>And i suck at Halo, it's a wasteee. :p<br>I hate the fact they made ANOTHER freakin playstation system, it has no meaning in life, why can't that just countinue with PS2 and PSP...<br>All this new technollogy is crap to my phone, it has broken not one, not two but THREE times. Ugh! D<<br>Anyways, getting off topic...I'm sure they will end up making the batman game for other systems later on. :3
  • Avla wrote:
    I have loved batman since the beggining of time tooooo. ;-;<br>Of course I'd rather keep my gamecube because I love to play "Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness." ;D<br>And i suck at Halo, it's a wasteee. :p<br>I hate the fact they made ANOTHER freakin playstation system, it has no meaning in life, why can't that just countinue with PS2 and PSP...<br>All this new technollogy is crap to my phone, it has broken not one, not two but THREE times. Ugh! D<<br>Anyways, getting off topic...I'm sure they will end up making the batman game for other systems later on. :3
    <br><br>Yeappers, Sony is a crazy company, atleast Nintendo Has some consistencey, but I think Sony is more friendly with comic companys than nintendo. ;C;
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    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • I just got a ps3 and it is the best graphic game system I've seen thus far ^^;<br><br>I've had a playstation 2 for years. So this was our first new game system in a long time. I only got it because I helped watch my siblings all summer long while my dad was out of town. It was worth the money. If you think it might not be a good system you are very wrong xD
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