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Ever had a strange/unique pet?

Okay. So right now I currently have a little spider friend I'm keeping in a jar. I caught him in my sister's room and I've grown pretty fond of him x3 His name is Balthazor and he is currently dining on a spider treat! I think he's an orb weaver or something like that. Not sure though.<br><br>Anyone else have any strange pets like that. Or just creatures that they've kept for a certain period of time. Earth worms even xD?<br><br>I also when I was younger won a pet lizard at a carnival. I was about six. I named him Fizard the Lizard. Sadly, he quit eating. So I let him go in the "wild" which was my back yard. Hehe.


  • <span style="font-size:75">Well, my dad found a toad in a boiler room at his work so we took it in for a few weeks, I named her Acne(xD) and then we released her at a nature park. :c<br><br>I also kept cicadas. One was headless but still walking. Ironically I named him Brain. >.></span>
  • <span style="font-size:75">I have a hedgehog.<br>Hahaha..Is that strange or unique??<br>xD</span>
    Thanks Lyc!
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  • Lmfao! Toad named acne and a headless cicada named Brain? Brilliant names! Hehe.<br><br>I use to keep cicadas in my room before they shed or whatever. Then after watching and they were dried we'd let them go outside and they'd fly away like crazy!<br><br>And hedgehogs are unique! :D Cute!
  • <span style="font-size:75">I'm a pro at that sort of stuff. =D</span>
  • Haha. I can tell! I've named frogs/toads a few names that probably wouldn't be appropriate to put here for political reasons ;3 -nibbles frogs-
  • I own goats not really unique xD just strange very very strange.
  • That is a little strange xD I had a teacher once with goats. She had to put planks of wood on their horns so they wouldn't stick their head and get it caught in the spaces of the fence :lol:
  • I want Andi's hedgehog >.<<br><br>Let's see what weird things we've kept at my house...<br><br>Scorpion i want another now<br>Frogs<br>Toads<br>Turtles<br>Grass Hoppers<br>Worms<br>Ant Farm<br>Opossum<br>Snake<br>Water Dogs just died yesterday =//<br><br>I'm sure there's more >.<
  • Oh! Buffy is like me x3<br><br>I've had those except the Opossum and Scorpion. I must ask what a water dog is though o.O
  • I want another scorpion lol.<br><br>A water dog starts out like a tadpole and ends up evolving into a tiger salamander in the end. there's a few stages inbetween though, one of them being water dogs =D
  • Ever wonder how I got the name Sugarbread Kennel? <br><br>When I was younger, we had a "pet" squirrel. He was wild but we fed him and he came up to us, etc. I always told people that I had a pet squirrel. lol He wasn't really. We used to feed him bread and sugar donut holes. That's how I got my name. :) The squirrel's name was Sugarbread.
  • Ever wonder how I got the name Sugarbread Kennel? <br><br>When I was younger, we had a "pet" squirrel. He was wild but we fed him and he came up to us, etc. I always told people that I had a pet squirrel. lol He wasn't really. We used to feed him bread and sugar donut holes. That's how I got my name. :) The squirrel's name was Sugarbread.
    <br><br>lol, I did wonder that.<br><br><br><br><br>Ive owned a lot of bugs in my childhood, but now I wont go near them. The last one I remember was a June Bug o.O those things just scare me now.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • We own a rose hair tarantula currently xD
  • Well lets see.<br>I have owned....<br><br>Scorpoin---- <br>(brothers didnt do much died about 1 month ago)<br>Snake's
    <br>(2 of them. Not really unique. but most think its odd for an girl x.x)<br>Earth worms-- <br>um died after a day D:<br>Grasshopers---<br>(i had them with me everywhere. Even at friends houses cause my mom wouldnt spray the water to give them that. so they went with me so they wouldnt die. but i let them free after a month cause i got board of them)<br><br>Thats all i can think of for know
  • -Collared Lizards: They are the most awesome lizard EVER...when the females go into heat/about to have eggs, they get a bright red ring around thier neck. It's so pretty. :3<br>-Toads.<br>-Tree Frogs.<br>-Blue Jays. <br>-Mocking Birds. <br>We later released the blue jays and mocking birds into the wild, and I even still see them nesting in my backyard. XD
  • Mahii;lmao<br><br>-Rock<br>-Caterpillar <br>-Butterfly (raised the Caterpillar^ into a butterfly)<br>-Potato! Lmao<br>-Egg! Lmao<br><br>*used to draw faces on strange objects)
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">When I was younger, we found a dead kangaroo along the side of the ride, and it had a joey that was still alive. So we took him in and for a few months he came with us everywhere in a padded pillowcase.<br>After about 4 - 6 months though, my aunties red heeler and the joey walked around the house (or hopped) at the same time, and the joey actually died of shock. Although the Heeler didnt touch it or go anywhere near it. :cry: <br><br>He was so cute too! :) </span></span>
  • Once I found a baby snapping turtle at my aunts house and brought it home. I kept him in an old fish bowl for like a week then let him go in my pond (Its large, and hes not the only turtle in it) when he seemed to start growing. And or course I was like 8 so his (or her) name was baby tutle-ly XD Does that count?
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