Okay. So right now I currently have a little spider friend I'm keeping in a jar. I caught him in my sister's room and I've grown pretty fond of him x3 His name is Balthazor and he is currently dining on a spider treat! I think he's an orb weaver or something like that. Not sure though.<br><br>Anyone else have any strange pets like that. Or just creatures that they've kept for a certain period of time. Earth worms even xD?<br><br>I also when I was younger won a pet lizard at a carnival. I was about six. I named him Fizard the Lizard. Sadly, he quit eating. So I let him go in the "wild" which was my back yard. Hehe.
Thanks Lyc!
28 weeks along -2/13-
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<br>(2 of them. Not really unique. but most think its odd for an girl x.x)<br>Earth worms-- <br>um died after a day <br>Grasshopers---<br>(i had them with me everywhere. Even at friends houses cause my mom wouldnt spray the water to give them that. so they went with me so they wouldnt die. but i let them free after a month cause i got board of them)<br><br>Thats all i can think of for know
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .