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Anorexic? Uhm, no.

edited August 2009 in Vent
<span style="font-size:92">This is a really stupid vent, and Young's vent made me think about it and how annoying it is.<br><br>My friend eats.. a lot. When she comes over to my house, she brings her own chips and candy because 'we don't have enough for her'. She eats 3 meals a day, snacks in between PLUS any other junk she may come across. Gummy bears, M&M's, chocolate bars. And she's not a small girl -at all-. She probably weighs twice as much as I do, maybe more.<br><br>I'm not making fun of big people. I'm not being mean about being overweight. Give me a minute to explain why this is annoying.<br><br>She knows she's overweight and she's constantly complaining about how she needs to lose weight. And what does she do? She asks me to help her diet. That's fine, I can do that. I'd love to help her lose the weight. She wants to get her bellybutton pierced, but her mom told her she needed to knock off a few pounds before she does.<br><br>So there for about 3 days, I had her eating less and healthier. After a few days, she cracked. She told me I didn't know anything about real, healthy dieting, that I'm just a stupid anorexic. That was the end of her help from me.<br><br>I told her I don't want to hear crap about her weight anymore, and she got mad. Just because I eat healthy and I maintain my weight and figure doesn't make me anorexic. I never miss a meal. <br><br>But don't ask someone for help and then call names, because there are a lot of things I could call her that she wouldn't appreciate.<br><br>It's just so annoying to hear her moan and complain about it all the time, then call me names and not want to do anything about it.<br><br>-sigh- Told you. Stupid. xD</span>
<span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
10.31.10 ❤


  • Vi's no anorexic. but according to some guy at my school I should be >.<<br>...<br><br>Vi should help me diet!!!!!
  • I'm sure you're not anorexic.<br>Apparently there's a wide variety of anorexia - according to some kids. :roll: <br><br>It's really rude, disrespectful, etc. that she called you anorexic after you were trying to help her eat healthy and lose the weight she WANTED to lose. You were being a good friend by lending a hand and attempting to help her achieve her goal. -hands 'Good Friend' award-<br><br>She'll regret calling you those names when she can't find a way to lose weight.
  • Not that I don't agree with you or anything, but I understand your friend. Some of us(including me) have trouble with eating habbits. I have asked people around me to help as well. And sometimes, it is just really hard. We are jealous of you skinny people, and dieting is stressfull. All that can really hurt a person(being big). And, sometimes people just break, if you remind her and tell her that she is hurting your feelings, she will probely come around and figure it out. Sometimes it takes a friendly reminder and an open friendship.
  • Any kind of addiction is annoying to both sides. She plain and simply has an addiction to food. Imagine someone having an addiction to cigarettes, and telling you they're going to quit next week. That 99% of the time does not happen. Until someone actually does something about their addiction TODAY, not TOMORROW, it's never going to happen. That's her own problem she's not even trying to eat healthier. I mean, she could eat the same amount but just eat healthier things and lose weight. Truth.<br><br>Secondly, I think people should research come-backs before they use them on people. The definition of anorexia is "loss of appetite." When you go to the doctor, sometimes they will ask you if you have any anorexia. That doesn't mean if you have any skinniness. <span style="font-weight:bold">Anorexia nervosa</span> is the eating disorder, not just anorexia. Her telling you you're anorexic is irrelevant.<br><br>The fact she got mad at you and called you anorexic was uncalled for. It's not YOUR fault she's overweight. She has to shut up, clean up, and do the work.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • reina__ wrote:
    The fact she got mad at you and called you anorexic was uncalled for. It's not YOUR fault she's overweight. She has to shut up, clean up, and do the work.
    <br><span style="font-size:92">That's what the vent was about. I'm not mad because she complains about it, and I'm not mad because she's overweight, I'm mad because she asked for help and resorted to name calling. <br><br>Fact of the matter is, I've always been 20-30 pounds underweight for my age/height. I was born almost 3 months premature, so I've always been tiny, and due to some complications with my health and clinical depression, I've become even more unhealthily small, which has caused more problems with my health.<br><br>So, we're in the same boat, just opposite sides. I can't help I'm small and that's why it bothered me that she'd say that.</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Sea Oats wrote:
    Fact of the matter is, I've always been 20-30 pounds underweight for my age/height. I was born almost 3 months premature, so I've always been tiny
    <br><br>i know how you feel about that.. i was born almost 3 months premature too. im at least a head smaller than 70% of my friends, and about a stone 2 stone less than them.. it really annoys me when they make comments, <br>eg., on a watersports school trip <br>me: can i borrow your shorts? someones nicked mine<br>them: oh no, they wont fit you, lets face it. they may be tight on me, but still..<br><br>especially when the person who said this it stick thin, they may be alot taller, but whats that got to do with shorts fitting? so basically i told them that being short doesnt make clothes not fit you, and why ... *swearing* does everyone keep on going on about it. what made it even worst was that this person had already had digs at me, and they knew i was sensitive about it, i was virtually livid. <br><br>and i eat like a horse... when its nice food XD i eat so much junk as well, hoping to put on weight.. but it doesnt work. Keep you head up Vi, her saying that was uncalled for, and spiteful. although i do sypathise. my sister had problems with weight (although she didnt really) and used to take stuff out on me. Try and be a good friend to her and tell her that what she did was wrong, and that she should not do that again, or you wont be helping her again. Poor Vi :(

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • woodpecker wrote:
    Sea Oats wrote:
    Fact of the matter is, I've always been 20-30 pounds underweight for my age/height. I was born almost 3 months premature, so I've always been tiny
    <br><br>i know how you feel about that.. i was born almost 3 months premature too. im at least a head smaller than 70% of my friends, and about a stone 2 stone less than them..
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">Yea, I'm 5'1 and I'm almost 17. |: I'm done growing. My 12 year old sister is almost 4 inches taller than me and all her friends are taller than me.</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • im 5" my mum is 5"1 and my sister 5"3 its a family trait XD although im only 13, i may still grow. my only hope is my feet.. im a size uk 6-7. american, 8.5 - 9.5 . its weird.. one of my friends is 5"8 and still growing :/

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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  • oh yeah.. and was almost stopped from getting into a 12 movie on friday. When twilight was out (12a) the ticket person wouldnt let me in, untill i found a photocopy of my passport. then she wouldnt believe my friends were under 14, so theyd have to pay for an adult ticket.. untill i got anoyed and told her that why would i be going to the cinema with over 14 year-olds lol

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • No worse than being 6'1" at 15 and being called sorts like "Big Mama," "Thug," "Giant," literally. I could have beat these name-calling 5 footers up in a split second but I didn't. People need to get over the fact everyone is their own individual, and not everyone on this planet is here to please them. <br><br>SeaOats, if that was what the vent was about, you could have made a more clear point then.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <span style="font-size:75">Omfg. I get this too. Except its from my brother and my parents >.><br><br>She really should not call you anorexic and flip out on you when you're helping her o.o<br>Rude ;P</span>
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