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Better Litters

edited December 2009 in Game Suggestions
I think the % or "chance" of two fully-trained dogs producing better puppies than non-trained dogs should be much higher. I just bred 10 litters of Greyhounds with parents with 119.2-119.6 speeds and got <span style="font-weight:bold">ONE</span> 119.3, and the rest were around 113-118. There is no way I even want to waste my time "breeding" because the chance of getting what I actually want is so low. <br><br>Also the fact that there are super high speeds on the stud market for like millions of dollars, and if you breed to them, there is a large chance of the litter only being 1 puppy with a low speed. I think that is really... unfair and a waste of time. The percent chance should be way higher in my opinion, not that the excitement of what you may or may not get isn't extremely entertaining or anything. :?<br><br>The chance of getting higher stars is doing fine, it's just those numbers that are messed up. I don't believe Speed is "bugged" like hyper is in some cases though. It's literally a chore to breed, even though I am using a SPONSOR breeding kennel with 100 in skill. I ... I don't know if I would spend my RL or VP money on a breeding kennel.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • I third this.... I've been breeding for loyalty, with dogs trained until they have about 900 in loyalty, and a few pups actually had lower birth loyalty then the parents... :roll:
  • Yes yes.<br>Would be amazing :D
  • Although I hardly breed, (I've bred like twice this year? xD) I do agree. I always see players complaining they spent a lot of money on good training for their dogs so they'd have good puppies. Then they get them bred by a sponsor breeder (which is supposed to help) and the puppies end up having worse birth stats than the parents. :\ I'd assume that'd be quite angering. Maybe even depressing? xD
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Yes please!<br>The fact that, like reina mentioned, speed - strength - intell - ect aren't rising like they should is just a waste.<br>And terribly disappointing.<br>The stars are fine like reina said, its just the numbers should be raised according to training. . . :)<br><br><br>Love the idea reina :wink:</span></span>
  • I agree I have to breed my dogs 5-6 times before I get puppy with higher birth stats then their parents.
  • edited September 2009
    Agreed!<br>But one the subject of the stars, I have been breeding 8x4's in my line and for about the pass 5 gen, I have been getting 6x4's in litters. :?
  • Definately agreed. <br>It is not really a challenge to breed better litters, it's an annoyance to waste the time and money to be worse off than when you started.
  • agreed ^^
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • I<br><span style="font-size:59">*counts* 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10</span><br><br>11th this. I'm a sponsor breeder and I rarely have business. I've had people ask me what happened to the advantages of sponsor breeding after seeing the offspring. <br><br>Agreed.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I agree! I breed my APBTs for strenght and it takes 5-10 breedings before I get anything better than the parents. Sometimes, I just give up.
  • im for this too! :wink:
  • You know, if this forum wasn't meant for a younger atmosphere, I would be saying a number of foul words right now.<br><br>I just got a female groomed til 10, and a male groomed til 10. Her birth hyper was 97.7, and I got NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! higher than 95, and she just died. What am I supposed to do now? Keep playing VP cuz it's so fun? Frustrating would be a better word. :|
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Agreed great idea rei
  • -dontkillmeforbumping- >.><br><br>I 10000% agree.<br>I'm using a sponser kennel 100 in breeding and all that.<br>I'm breeding my Puli's and there stats are going no-where :|<br>Tiny litters too.<br>Just bred and got;<br>litter of 3, litter of 3, litter of 5(all males), litter of 5(all females), litter of 5.<br>My brood's about to die too :\<br><br>frustrating D;
  • I definitely agree. I have to breed several litters to get any birth stats higher then the parents, and I've bred two 10x4 dogs before, fully trained and groomed, and gotten 6x4s. In a breeding kennel.
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