not horseback riding again..well, atleast not yet. xD I'm going back to McConnells Mills. It's a historic park with lots and lots of wooded trails with a river running in between. Last time I found a cute little mini waterfall and watched mi brother fall off a rock because he's incapable of putting his foot on a part of rock where there isn't moss. rofl it was beyond hilarious. A huge storm came last we only got about a mile in the woods.

I was hoping for like 3 hours in the woods exploring (off the trail a little bit even though the signs warn that I might drown and die if I slip off a rock. o.0 ). mi little cousins and brother were gonna try and steal a snapping turtle from the park and mi dad started getting pissed after the 8th time of them begging. xD they're lucky he didn't run the damn thing over! :shock: it was in the middle of the road.<br>And so I'm going to take pictures and pictures and pictures and pictures get the idea, right? I have to wait until mi dad gets there with his phone though. >.> mi phone sucks at taking pics.
