I don't make banners like some of you guys do-I wish I could. I would if I had the tools to make it with, but I can do cheap little banners for people if they happen to come along my kennel and note my services, but ANYWAYS...>.> xD... I do understand what it feels like to give someone something that you made or bought - in RL or VP - and not be thanked for it. Luckily, this hasn't happened much to me, but I still understand. <br><br>The many wonderful banner makers found on VP are wonderful people to take time out of their day and lives for people they don't know anything about besides what they want done. And there are a lot of rude people out there that take their time and services for granted like all they do is sit at a computer and they can make art by clicking a few buttons in a few seconds. Artist - even on VP - do have lives, and it usually doesn't revolve around making banners and such for people. Their lives are like manny of the people who buys them. Relationships, families, friends, drama; it happens in their lives too. <br><br>Yet so many people treat them badly. -.-<br><br>I am not here to vent, but to thank all the artists out there who have to go through all the hardships and rudeness of rude people and still make lovely banners for the world and beyond. I want you to know that you guys are appreciated by a lot of people out there, and there are people who will thank you because you are wonderful people.<br><br>You guys do make beautiful work and take the time out of your day to do so in hopes to please people who aren't paying you near enough VPC to even look at the art you create.<br><br>Cheers to all the banner makers and all other artists on VP.<br>You guys make it a better-and brighter-place to spend time.<br><br>=]
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t