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edited July 2009 in Vent
Ok, so my cat has some peeing issues. For no reason he will go and pee on piles of clothes or a pile of anything, even a few grocery bags. He usually only does it when he is mad, but if it is left out he will do it too. He still uses his litter box. We bought a new house 3 \years ago. For a while he roamed around, but then my step-dad (who loathes cats) said we either had to get rid of him, let him outside, or keep him locked up. People go extremely fast on our street, ignoring all stop signs. So, outside is a no. So is getting rid of him. So, we put him in our laundry room. It's fairly big, and he has a cat tree and tons of shelves to lounge around on, but he hates it. They actually thought of just selling him while I was at school one day and then I would come back and he would be gone. Does anyone have any suggestions to what might make him better about it? He has done it since he was a kitten, he is 6 now.


  • Well is he fixed?
  • Then i really cant help you...You could always get somthing that smells bad to cats and put it every where it pees. My cat had that same problem but got poisened so i dont know what to do...
  • Oh dear, I'm sorry
  • eh it was a year ago I still miss him though...anyway is he ever very sleepy or weak?
  • Well, he sleeps a lot, but I'm assuming that's because he doesn't have much to do, and he's a cat.
  • One of the more serious reasons for cats urinating outside the litter box is a urinary tract dysfunction, known as FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease), formerly known as FUS (Feline Urinary Syndrome.) FLUTD causes painful urination, which the cat may associate with the litterbox, thereby avoiding it. Therefore, inappropriate elimination may be your first clue that your cat needs medical care. If you ignore it, or, worse yet, choose to punish your cat, the disease can quickly become life-threatening<br><br>Also is he declawed? if so it may be painful for him to scratch in the litter box. There are plenty of reasons your cat may pee out side the litter box.<br><br>PLEASE check out this website...I hope it helps you!<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... oblems.htm</a>
  • i hoped it helped :D
  • My cat sprays to show territory. Is he spraying, or just urinating? They're likely to spray when they dislike other animals in/around their home.
  • As Kyt said;<br>My Aunt's two cats spray when they are irritated by other animals or other humans, as a sign of marking their territory.<br><br>But if he is just urinating;that could have a Urinary Tract problem.<br><br>Then again, there could be many different problems..:S<br><br>Could you describe the issues more?<br><br>I could ask my Aunt;She's a vet.
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • <span style="font-size:75">Plastic bags/trash bags have a certain type of chemical in them that cats like or something, so they pee on those. I have five cats and all of them like our plastic bags, All but the males have peed on them too. I suggest getting the plastic bags out of his territory. Another thing you could do that helped my cat, who is a plastic bag lover, is put a plastic bag in his litter box to get him to go in there.</span>
  • Thanks! He goes in his litter box, like I said, but if we leave piles or plastic bags out he pees on them. I will check out the website and get him to a vet soon. We have 2 dogs too, so he might be marking his territory. He isn't declawed
  • the dogs may make him stressed out....
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