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Jon & Kate + Eight- Jon Engaged?!

:shock: Is this true? I saw on a magazine cover that he proposed to a 22 year old named Haley with an 180,00 dollar ring. He just got divorced a few weeks ago!<br><br>How will this effect the poor kids? Parents just seperated and now their dad's getting married?<br><br>On the episode that they announced the divorce Jon said he was partly excited because he could "start a new chapter in his life." I didn't think that meant marrying! At least not this soon!<br><br>I wonder how this will effect Jon and Kate's relastionship as "friends."<br><br>Please leave comments!
Goals: 13/50million VPC


  • I hope not that would be retard and if it is true and if i was his kid, I would be like bye bye dad I hate you for what you did to our family and how you left us and found a woman who has no kids to spend 180,00 dollars on a enggament ring<br><br>I feel bad for Kate she has to raise 8 kids on her own while Jhon gone to fun land being single again :roll: <br><br>When will this end<br><br>Anwser self *Never* <br><br>Maybe this is the same woman he was spoted leaving the bar with a couple months ago

    Please click mye eggs
  • I know. :roll: <br><br>What gets me is he was all calm and cool and collected in that last "big announcment" episode while Kate was crying. It seems like he doesn't even care.<br><br>It's so sad. Poor kids. :cry:
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I never got into the show until my mom pressured me to watch it last season. Now I'm hooked!! Then all the rumors started flying, they got divorced. I never know what to believe. It just makes me sad for the kids. Jon is crazy... but I wouldn't have put up with Kate either. I only hope for the best for all of them, especially the kids. They're going to have it rough...
  • Goes to show how TV, Money, & Fame can change people. :/
  • Parker wrote:
    Goes to show how TV, Money, & Fame can change people. :/
    <br><br>Agreed :/
  • On one of the magazine covers it said "Kate tells Jon's new girl, 'Stay away from my kids'".<br><br>Honestly, I love the show, but I really think they should just stop. It's causing way to many problems for them and their family. <br><br>And I really think Jon is to blame. Not for all of it, Kate was definatly part of it too, but Kate even said she wanted to talk out their problems with Jon but he wouldn't even talk to her. I'm not sure if the fame did this too them, but I think it had have something to do with it. :?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • 'Stay away from my kids'".<br>
    <br><br>Lmaoo. Honestly, I feel really bad for those kids. But, I don't see how having eight kids can make you famous, i would have rather watched Spongebob.<br>One of my good friends was in a family of twelve and were they ever famous? No.<br>They had to work hard for thier money and to survive.<br>Jon and Kate are just spoiled, but thier kids are freakin' adorable. xD
  • Avla wrote:
    but thier kids are freakin' adorable. xD
    <br><br>Haha, agreed. I love aaden!
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • I totaly agrre with everything that has been said here. John said he cheated on his wife and like i hate him for that he has 8 kids did Kate ever cheat on him nooo so what gives him the right. I do think Kate is annoying but i think its the only way she could get a point across to her now Ex-Husband but if you look at the begin of the show they where very happy so i think Fame drove them to where they are today. They should of never done this show

    Please click mye eggs
  • Actually. I'm putting this one on Kate. She seems the one more likely to start the problems. She seems so....impersonable and just cold. I could see her cheating on him first, and then he just gave up on them and started looking for actual love.<br>I don't really blame him for leaving her. The kids? Yeha. Thats awful. But have you ever lived with someone who is just a miserable, angry tyrant?
  • Yah but she was more freindly at the begin and i think the stress of the fame change her

    Please click mye eggs
  • Dreamers11 wrote:
    I hope not that would be retard
    <br><br>-pops in- I think we could use a new R word. Its called Respect ;] -pops out-
  • I think s/he meant "retarded."
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I hate Jon<br><br>I don't even watch teh show but I remember him saying in a magazine he always thought he'd be like 50 and marry a 20yr old. I was like pervert.
  • reina__ wrote:
    I think s/he meant "retarded."
    <br><br>Still we shouldnt use it. We should say silly or stupid, since retarted can be a medical, mental, condition :]
  • So can lame, dumb, stupid.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Avla wrote:
    'Stay away from my kids'".<br>
    <br><br>Lmaoo. Honestly, I feel really bad for those kids. But, I don't see how having eight kids can make you famous, i would have rather watched Spongebob.<br>One of my good friends was in a family of twelve and were they ever famous? No.<br>They had to work hard for thier money and to survive.<br>Jon and Kate are just spoiled, but thier kids are freakin' adorable. xD
    <br><br>Well, they were one of only like a handfull of people to have sextupletts(sp?) and all survive. So, at first the show was great. But, Jon got spoiled. Kate's trying. I like kate's attitude. She's only there for her kids. She don't care about Jon. xD
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Personally, although their marriage is ruined, I would have stayed together, if not for my sake, but for the kids. Imagine the hatred they're going to grow up with against their father!!<br><br>(And eight kids, seriously? I can understand a few, but eight?)
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Personally, although their marriage is ruined, I would have stayed together, if not for my sake, but for the kids. Imagine the hatred they're going to grow up with against their father!!<br><br>(And eight kids, seriously? I can understand a few, but eight?)
    <br><span style="font-size:92">The number of kids in a divorce has nothing to do with it. Sure, they have a buttload of kids, but that doesn't mean they need to stay together. My parents had 4 kids, and they HATE each other, but it's better that my dad isn't around because my parents would always be at each others throats and that's worse for kids to see. My dad ran out when my sister got sick, and I think it would have been worse if he'd stayed.<br><br>I mostly blame Kate. Her attitude is, as others have said, cold. She doesn't care about Jon, only her kids, she drove him away. A divorce was a good thing, Jon marrying someone else so soon is not. I'm kinda in the middle. Both Jon and Kate ruined their marriage, but now Jon is screwing his whole family over.<br><br>I think the kids will be fine, they have each other. In a divorce, the kids rely a lot on each other for emotional support and stability, and it helps. Also, just because Jon isn't living with the family anymore, he still loves his kids, and you can tell he does. It's not like he's completely running out on them. He'll still be there and they will still get to see him.</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • personally, i think that if you guys want to talk about it, actually find out what's going on. honestly, i think that whole show is quite ridiculous and all the media over them even more so. get over it, divorce happens all the time. most of my friends have divorced parents or have come from a single parent household. i for one, have not found anything about an engagement. yes he has a girlfriend. he's a man, men have needs. if kate really wanted to she could be doing the same thing. she's going to play the victim of couse. oh poor kate. whatever, she needs to suck it up. if she really cared so much about jon this mess wouldn't have happened. if she wanted another man i doubt it would take much to find one.
  • &&_blur wrote:
    men have needs.
    <br><br>lmaoo. xD<br>I think it's both thier faults.<br>and apparently, Jon never cared for Kate either considering he already has a new girlfriend at least Kate is keeping her focus on the children and not her "needs".<br>Unless you <span style="font-style:italic">personally</span> have been through a divorce/broken heart, you can't blame one side.<br>i have always grown up in a good home and my parents are still together.<br>my friends have been put through hell, because thier parents are seperated.
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