I'm just wondering wat ppl think of when they hear the term emo ppl?.. Or punk,rocker,scene ppl?... <br><br> Im one of the ppl so please say wat u really think.. I get picked on alot for being wat I am.. So just wonder also if anyone else gets picked on for being who they are or dressing the way they do or acting different... <br><br><br>Idk also my boyfriend alex,his 16, needs some help with himself.. Almost all of his family has died and his bro left him alone and he doesn't know if he really wants 2 be a orphan...he doesn't know where 2 go and doesn't have any money...hes really scared of wat is going 2 happen 2 him.. Does anyone have adivce 2 give?? <br><br><br>Please post a message here if u have a thought 2 my questions or adivce 2 give 2 my bf alex, thanks
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.