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naming contest [3 milly prize]

it is for my two new lizards, a male and a female. the prize will be 3 milly [of course]<br><br>if you would like to see pictures and know more details, look here: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;


  • I made these in couples, but you could always mix & match.<br><br>Zelda for Female~<br>Link for Male~<br><br>Ailora for Female*<br>Musoke for Male*<br><br>Syria for Female*<br>Chaz for male*<br><br>Anezina for Female~<br>Astro for Male*<br><br>Epona for Female~<br>Iggy for Male~<br><br>Tala for Female~<br>Isaac for Male~<br><br>* = I made up or is a name one of my family members has used<br>~ = I didn't make up<br>But Zelda & Link are made by Nintendo P:
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • hmm,<br>i've always liked the name lyla for a female.<br>other than that i've drawn a blank. XD
  • <span style="font-size:84"><span style="font-style:italic">Female Names:</span><br>Hieroglyph (Hiero for short :3) [Hi-Ro]<br>Brynn<br>Ellie<br>Azania<br>Lilith<br>Artemis<br>Claudia<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Male Names:</span><br>Sion<br>Eryx<br>Asher<br>Rune<br>Demetri<br>Aether</span>
  • I like pair names D=<br><br>Truth & Dare<br>True & False<br>Right & Wrong<br>Left & Right<br>Bonnie & Clyde<br>Scratch & Sniff<br>Cheese & Crackers<br>Peanut Butter & Jelly<br>Mac & Cheese<br>Day & Night<br>Dawn & Dusk<br>Chocolate & Chip<br>Cookies & Cream<br>Itty & Bitty<br>Sugar & Spice<br>Yin & Yang<br>Ping & Pong<br>Jessie & James (Pokemon~)<br>Cowboy & Indian<br>Lost & Found<br>Salt & Pepper<br>Cause & Effect<br>Rough & Tumble<br>Pip & Squeak
  • Awwe! pretty names, everyone. :D <br>lmaoo. kaz yours are amazing, totally random and out of the box. ;3
  • Kazuko wrote:
    <br>Pip & Squeak
    <br>Thats what i named my hammys XD
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