Because I don't have to wear Abercrombe to fit in here. I don't have to have designer jeans. I can look stupid on here and most people would laugh with me. I just realised that vp is why I'm hanging on right now. If I didn't have vp, and, all of the people on here, I would be in a bad state right now. I just realised.<br><br>So, I wanted to say this:<br>If you play in here regularly, and you're not really my "bud" considder yourself as one. Everyone makes vp like it is, and I really enjoy the fact that if someone like SeaOats left, we'd be all effected... even though I don't "know" her and she's not my "bud". I'm just now realising right as I write this, that, we all have mended eachother's lifes in some way, or changed the way they thought about life. Even though we're just cyberpals. I wanted to praise this game-I'm talking everybody, you don't have to be meh buddeh- for that. I'm done being all emotional.<br><br>Buddehs=everyone<br>Everyone=buddies
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
My Kennel Linkie:
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Thanks Lyc!
28 weeks along -2/13-
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