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I just got back from the center. <br>Went to the back to get him.<br>Heard my mum, Started crying.<br>Kept going.<br>Theyd sold him 2 days ago.<br>A bunny that couldnt be sold till the 26th<br>was sold on the 24th.<br>i am heartbroken.<br>But trigger is fine, his op. went well.<br>Started changing already, alot more confident.<br>left the hutch door open, and he came to see me. :D<br>and is trying new things; like banana and carrot :P.


  • HE SOUNDS ADORABLE!<br><br>You MUST get him :O
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • I knoes, i must, ill die if i dont :O
  • In about 2 and a half hours Triggers going it to get neutered, My boy!, im so worried.
  • Why get him neutered? Is he with other rabbits?<br><br>No point to it if he's alone.
  • Animals usually calm down when they've been neutered. Also, if she got two males, they could be less likely to fight if they're neutered.
  • Why get him neutered? Is he with other rabbits?<br><br>No point to it if he's alone.
    <br><br>This post is telling people im getting another male rabbit, and while trig is docile keller may not be when he a bit older... i will be getting keller neuetered in like 8 weeks too.
  • Well, since you have two and the other one's older, I say it's a good idea then. I wouldn't do the same, we're too broke for vet bills period.
  • Well, since you have two and the other one's older, I say it's a good idea then. I wouldn't do the same, we're too broke for vet bills period.
    <br><br>My mum is paying for it cause im broke too, but we have insurance on EVERYTHING. so if needs be we can claim of the insurance. but my mum has like 2k savings and im paying her back :E<br><br>We need to get him neutered anyway cause hes almost two and its cruel to keep them intact if they cant use it.
  • XD<br><br>I don't think animals/people really care how many babies they have if any at all if they're not in the wild or around any females regularly. Or so my dad says. My dad's weird... so.. don't believe meh!
  • the testosterone builds and then they get aggressive, if not in the right hands the animal then gets blamed for it, and its not about the babies, it about statisfying them, which often leads to babies.
  • I don't know, My Gary (who's two years old) is the most docile animal I've ever had. He's not neutered and hasn't had a litter in over a year.<br><br>Rats are different though, yeah? Rabbits are a lot more hormonal I think.<br> <br>Sorry I have to stick my head in everyone's business, I'm just a little bugger like that. ;)
  • Lol. its ok, i dont accually know much about rabbit homones, good thing i dont want to breed eh?, I Learnt it from dogs, and imo if there was even the SLIGHTEST chance that he was unhappy not being able to mate, ill neuter him in a heartbeat, Trig is the most docile rabbit ive ever met, about 8mo ago i went away for 4weeks and my sister never handled him much so hes not as friendly as he use to be but he still great with me, i took him to the vets on monday to get his jab (the vet said bet to leave the jab a few days to settle) and i carried im in amongst mastiffs/cats/dogs/gun dogs/terriers and he never batted an eyelid, and for being good i gave him an extra stick of celery >< lol.
  • i just dropped trigger of at the vets, it almost empty without him, i like to walk pas the window and see him hopping about but i wont get to :( <br><br>and my mum just said<br>''You know, i may not be able to get this rabbit on saturday, ive got a party on friday night, i might have a drink or two'<br><br>i was like 'Its on friday'<br><br>and she was like<br><br>'Oh, well your ok then :E'
  • I don't like you're mom. No offense meant, she just doens't sound.. right.. to me.
  • I don't like you're mom. No offense meant, she just doens't sound.. right.. to me.
    <br><br>She just came out of hospital.. ? <br>She almost died, she was told she would have died roughly 4 days later if she never went in.<br>Excuse her for having a touch of memory loss.
  • I didn't know that, you didn't say that. Sorry If I did offend you, it wasn't a personal attack on you or anything.<br><br><br>The partying and going out drinking doesn't sound right if she just recovered, though. She should be resting if that was serious instead of risking her health like that. What happened to her that she almost died? :(<br><br>You don't have to say if you don't want to, it's fine.
  • I don't like you're mom. No offense meant, she just doens't sound.. right.. to me.
    <br><br>She just came out of hospital.. ? <br>She almost died, she was told she would have died roughly 4 days later if she never went in.<br>Excuse her for having a touch of memory loss.
    <br><br>Mucky, how would Never have known this? =p You never mentioned that, so she was going based on what you HAD said. People can't usually read minds. ;3
  • I hope you get the rabbit! He sounds adorable. I totally agree with neutering/spaying animals not only does it help prevent aggression but alot of times they it helps prevent health issues. <br><br>In my opinion about your mom is that I feel that just because somebody goess to a party and has a couple drinks doesn't mean they are going to be trashed. You can't really classify somebody as a partier and a heavy drinker unless you know them personally.<br><br>Just my 2 cents.<br><br> :D
  • Signa wrote:
    I hope you get the rabbit! He sounds adorable. I totally agree with neutering/spaying animals not only does it help prevent aggression but alot of times they it helps prevent health issues. <br><br>In my opinion about your mom is that I feel that just because somebody goess to a party and has a couple drinks doesn't mean they are going to be trashed. You can't really classify somebody as a partier and a heavy drinker unless you know them personally.<br><br>Just my 2 cents.<br><br> :D
    <br>Thank you signa, she goes out to meet friends and has 1 or two tia marias and cola, then its soft drinks for the rest of the night. <br><br>Kyttie; She could have kept it to herself.<br><br>Never; She just wants to go out and meet up with her friends that couldnt make it to see her in the hospital. shes been out for two weeks now, and she almost died from malnutrition, she weighed 5 1'2 stone.
  • Okay. I'm just so used to people saying 'A few drinks' and then coming back at 3 to 4:00 in the morning that that's usually what I think of and am reminded of when someone says that. Sorry. >.<
  • Okay. I'm just so used to people saying 'A few drinks' and then coming back at 3 to 4:00 in the morning that that's usually what I think of and am reminded of when someone says that. Sorry. >.<
    I forgot to say it was an engagement party. not a drinking party, and she leaves at 8pm and come back at 10pm :wink:
  • Engagement party? Sweet, those are always nice to go to! ;)
  • Lol. Maybe, depends on the couple.<br><br>only 31 hrs till i pick up keller!
  • 15hr hours to go! <br><br>W00t!
  • :shock: oh no!!! D: he/she sounded so cute! stupid pet store people, they always lie. :evil:
  • I know FV i hate them <br><br>I was in chat a few hours ago and i was talking about it; im not joking; it feels like a pet has died; i started crying - again.
  • oh mucky.. :( i'm so sorry! <br>i guess it just wasn't meant to be...:(
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