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Meep. Names?

<span style="font-size:75">So I was just sitting here bored and I wondered, why are people naming their kids all these weird things these days? Like me, my name is Andi Lee (yerp, Andi is a far as I know ^^) and then there's Suri Cruise (which I actually really like)...and then there's this girl in my neighborhood named Lemon..yes, just fancy language or cool spinoff, her name's just Lemon...I dunno, I like creative names, but <span style="font-style:italic">Lemon</span>, really?<br>Haha, this is really random, but it was on my mind and I just needed to share these thoughts with someone...any feedback?</span>
Thanks Lyc!
28 weeks along -2/13-
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  • I know a lady with 2 girls named Andi and Blayke xD And my name is Robin xP those are all different i think. Oh and also I am gonna name my first daughter Ever Leigh. I read a book with a girl named ever in it and leigh not only goes with it.. but its a family name.. its my middle name.. and my dads and my grandfathers are lee. Also My name WHOLE name.. First Middle AND last are the EXACT same as my grandfathers xP So i guess my whole name is Trisexual xD Also *again* i read about a lady who named her Daughter Talouladoesthehulainhawaii .... NO LIE! And also La-a.... pronounced.. LaDASHa >.>
  • wow those are some weird names... hehe im lucky mine is normal Emma-Kate :D
  • Mine's Kelsey<br>Not very rare yet not very common. :)<br><br>I love my name.<br><br>Someone named their kid Apple!<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... names.html</a><br><br>xD
    Michael Raymond <3
    10.10.10 10:10 pm <3
  • I'm all for interesting names.<br>I quite like the names celebrities choose for their children.<br>Other than the occasional "Princess" and "Darling" , I find the names great.<br>I'm Britti, kinda original I guess. <br>Apple isn't so bad, when the reason for the name is in place.<br>But Lemon is kinda strange.
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • <span style="font-size:75">I'm totally into the unique name thing, don't get me wrong, but I like names to sound like names...<br>This girl's name is Lemon my opinion she just sounds like a type of tree..^^(No offense, Lemy <--That's what we call her, I think it's really cute--). <br>The Vera part, I looove...the Lemon, not so much.</span>
    Thanks Lyc!
    28 weeks along -2/13-
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  • LOL, you didn't REALLY read taloula does the hulian hawaii! I figured you out! Cracked your code, lol.
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  • Oh, and I won't give out my name, but I know a girl named charlie and another named spencer. Yes, girls.
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  • <span style="color:darkred">hahahahaha..<br>Ah. I just read this;<br><span style="font-weight:bold">"This girl's name is Lemon my opinion she just sounds like a type of tree..^^"</span><br>And Im still laughing! hehehehe. Thats so good!<br><br>Well my name is sadly. Maddison .. *cough* Maddie. Only call me Sim though (which is my dogs name, short for Simea) ...<br>Im kind of creative with names too.<br>Dog; Simea<br>Cat; L'e (pronoucned Ally)<br>Horse; Zhabolic<br>hahaha...<br><br>and if i EVER have kids, which i dont want. They will be Amazon for a girl and Mason for a boy. I cant wait to get more dogs and name them crazy wacko names. :twisted: </span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"> does sound tree-ish though, no? ;)<br>And I'm a bit of an odd namer myself...But I like name-stories, ya know, gives substance to the name.<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Dogs:</span><br>Azia, Joliene, and Lyon (^^, Lyon, b'cause he has a tuft at the end of his tail.)<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Kittehs:</span><br>Mioux(Meo), Briaa<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Horses:</span><br>Auro, Mufasa (tehe), and Creeble (Short for Captain Creeberfloux. Yeah, I know, that's just weird)<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rattigans (Don't hate):</span><br>Puddles (Perhaps bad luck...if ya know what I mean), Jioubilee, Lhouri (Lew-Ree)<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Piggies and other Misc. Animals:</span><br>Gergot (Jer-Goh), Mudoui, and Jaama</span>
    Thanks Lyc!
    28 weeks along -2/13-
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  • well my parents named me maryann marie which to me sounds wayy hillybillyish.. i plan on naming my first daughter spencer grace which is not very normal for a girl but yeah i thinks its cute and andi l really like that name i have a chick friend named randi.
  • I have a bird and dog with a not average name and a Guinea with a normal one.<br><br>Bird: Elliepeneski (Yes, Ell-ee-pen-esk-ee)<br>Dog: Marvel (Mar-vel)<br>Guinea: Snowflake.<br><br>Heh. then when I'm older I want to name my kids:<br>Sapphire (Female), Phillippa (Female), and Septimus (Male). Yes, very odd names, but unique. XD<br><br>Flalalala.. Random post. but its fun. xD
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • no but seriously.. her name was Talouladoesthehulainhawaii PRONOUNCED Taloula-does-the-hula-in-hawaii. and that was this poor childs name
  • thats a crazzzyyy name i would sooo change my name lol
  • <span style="font-size:75">OH LORD!<br>I think I might cry...<br>I totally missed that in your previous post...<br>Poor child. That's just mean, vicious, vicious parents ^^<br>My children shall be Aaden Parker (which I think could go either way; boy or girl) and Mekhenna Ziouz (Zwi-ouz) <--Obviously a girl--<br>My younger sister's name is Andrea (hence the username) Anne-Marie. I actually really like that, kindof a mix of new and old...Interesting. Although a little obnoxious now because she gets in trouble so much..."Andrea Anne-Marie get your butt over here!" is all I ever here. -cue parents yelling at sister-</span>
    Thanks Lyc!
    28 weeks along -2/13-
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  • idk if its a weird name but im naming my girl anastashia.
  • well my parents named me maryann marie which to me sounds wayy hillybillyish.. i plan on naming my first daughter spencer grace which is not very normal for a girl but yeah i thinks its cute and andi l really like that name i have a chick friend named randi.
    <br><br><br>I find Spenser for a girl very pretty :3
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • some kid in the michael jackson family is named Jermajesty. I have a friend named Perian, or Perry. One of my guy friends name is Kelly.
  • I always liked the name Morrigan Fayte. (In other words Morgan Fate lol) for a girl.<br>I like Baxter for a boy.<br> I think they're cute :]
  • why are you picking on me D: ( im Taloula ) >.> lol
  • Brittsy wrote:
    well my parents named me maryann marie which to me sounds wayy hillybillyish.. i plan on naming my first daughter spencer grace which is not very normal for a girl but yeah i thinks its cute and andi l really like that name i have a chick friend named randi.
    <br><br><br>I find Spenser for a girl very pretty :3
    <br><br>thanks i like it to lol...<br><br>
    Lunar wrote:
    why are you picking on me D: ( im Taloula ) >.> lol
    <br>i like the name taloula and dont bruce willis and dimi more have a daughter named taloula?
  • I like stranger names, but that might be because I'm <span style="font-weight:bold">Scotia.</span> :lol:
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    Some of you owe me cash - so check your CONTRACTS!!

    luv, scotch (who is very much FEMALE, everyone. FEMALE.)
  • Scottie wrote:
    I like stranger names, but that might be because I'm <span style="font-weight:bold">Scotia.</span> :lol:
    <br><br>question how do you pronounce that?? like sco-sha
  • Scottie wrote:
    I like stranger names, but that might be because I'm <span style="font-weight:bold">Scotia.</span> :lol:
    <br><br>question how do you pronounce that?? like sco-sha
    <br>Yep, Sco-sha. My friends call me Scotch, and people used to ask me "Where's Nova??" ;)
    Looking for handy jobs and kennels to share. Go here: ... highlight=
    Some of you owe me cash - so check your CONTRACTS!!

    luv, scotch (who is very much FEMALE, everyone. FEMALE.)
  • I personally love French names. ;]<br><br>Such as:<br>[Girls]<br>/Arielle<br>/Chantelle<br>/Antoinette<br>/Aimée<br><br>[Boys]<br>/Beau<br>/Jacques [Idk.. I just like it. xD But I wouldn't name my kid Jacques. ;P]<br><br>[Non-French]<br>[Boys]<br>/Zero [Yes, Zero. Based off of Zero Kiryu in Vampire Knight. XD]<br>/Silenus [I don't know.. it sounds cool. o_o]<br>/Demetri.<br><br>[Girls]<br>/Anastasia<br>/Distillerie [I think it looks pretty.. and sounds pretty. I use this for my RP charries usually. XD]<br>/Aryenne. :]<br><br>And that is my extensive list. xD
  • If I were to ever have any kids, (which I don't want to, by the way)<br>the name possibilities would be out of these:<br><br>Girls:<br><br>Desiree<br>Andie<br>Emelie<br>Cinna<br>Blue<br>Parker<br>Lynnetta<br>Ludivine<br><br>Boys:<br><br>Ramsay<br>Oakley<br>Brander<br>Louca<br>Dustin <br><br>(:
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • <span style="font-size:92">Well. My name is Holland (yes, like the country), and I've always thought it was odd. I have met people with 'Holland' as a last name, but I've never met one with it as a first name. I like it, but its weird. xD<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Girls</span><br>Mia Parker<br>Azlyn Grace<br>Xerin (Zehr-in) Faith<br>Skylar Rae<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Boys</span><br>Aaden Gerrick<br>Ian Scott<br>Caleb Silas (See-lahs)<br>Asher Aaden<br><br>:D</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • My name's Kaley. Not common, but not rare. :D BUT my name is spelled VERY, VERY rare :D<br><br>Uhm, there's this girl in my best friend's neighborhood named Electrica. LOL SHE'S LIKE 5.
  • those are some crazy names lol... if I ever have kids I'm gonna name one of them Easton (don't know boy or girl... I think it could work with either one. :? :lol: ) I think it's cute. :wink: And a friend of mine is going to name her first boy Trapper Wayne. :D I really like that name lol.
  • My sister's name is Kyiaa (pronouced ky-a)<br><br><br>My brother's name is Kyvann, (ky-ven)<br><br><br>My mom and step father named them after their roleplay charecters.
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