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Mhm. I'm not an absorbing meat freak. I'm a <span style="font-weight:bold">Veggie</span>. Did you know the pain the animals suffer. Look at horse slaughtering. My horse, Lenia was taken away by those people. && guess what. They took her whipped her, hung her by one leg, and slit her throat. Just so we could go mmmm. horse nuggets :] you could've just eaten your own horse. Stinks like horse dung, doesn't it. or it could be a poor little kitten, lost & abandoned. maybe even your puppy that you got for christmas. o.o<br><br>MMM. I'm a carrot. HeHe. A big orange plump carrot. Carrot top, in a crop, of rotting frop :] sound good?<br><br>I thought so. Anyone else on here a veggie? <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">All of them? [wow woot woot]</span><br><br>Alma :]<br>Panda [:<br>Neverwinter :]


  • Meat freak? :/<br><br>And as far as I know, we don't eat kittens or dogs in this country (usa). I've never had horse meat but I do like hamburgers and ribs etc. My teeth were designed to tear and to grind. Therefore I eat both. Eating meat is natural even if the methods of how they get it aren't. I see this as getting into a future arguement or is a little too controversial..
  • I don't care if you eat meat. This is just for the vegetarians to share their feelings :]<br><br>No offense.
  • o.o horse nuggets....cats & dogs? lol nahh I love my salad tho :)
    Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
  • horse nuggets o.o<br><br>it's just something to refer that you'll never know what's in the food you eat, unless it's farmed by you. :]
  • ah lol well I know nothing about farms even though I love horses & whatnot.
    Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
  • tehe :]<br><br>that's fine.
  • I'm a vegetarian, but i'm not so.. ehh, voiced, about it. I eat meat on occasion, but only ones where I know it was treated right in life. So i'm not a true veggie, but telling people I am makes it alot less confusing if they don't understand your motives.<br><br>The thing I get alot from christians is ; 'God put animals here to serve us'<br><br>Yes. He did, to you. But not for us to abuse in the process of it, did he? As long as it's not abused, hey, i'll eat it, it tastes good! But now-a-days, all meat you find was abused in life. I stay away from it as long as I know EXACTLY where it came from and EXACTLY how they cared for their animals. Free ranged animals taste better, too, they're less stressed out and it shows. There's no point to be agaisnt killing, and everyone thinks that's my reason, becasue they have to kill it. I don't care about that, they can kill it, no problem. Just not any unnecessary abuse.<br><br>And I must say, venison is amazing. I love it.<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">(I rarely get to eat meat, so it's not an everyday thing. More like, once very two months, I have a piece of chicken.)</span>
  • If i didnt hate veggies i would prolly be a vegitarian.. but im with Never.. As long as it wasnt tourtured ill eat it. and psst.. i know Tyson chickens arent tortured... those stupid chickens have a perfect life >.> *My daddy is a chicken farmer*
  • Same with me, you can kill it, just don't abuse it.<br><br>We eat meat every 6 months :] once the cattle is ready.
  • You raise your own stuff? XD<br><br>I didn't know Tyson's chicken was good.. Hmm, thanks for that. Kosher stuff is good too yeah?
  • Yeah. It's freakin weird.<br><br>Mhm. Tyson we do eat every now & then, those little buggers are delicious :p
  • lol.<br><br>i've been a vegi for 5 years,<br>ever since i was 12.<br><br>good luck getting through your first year,<br>everyone i know has failed.<br><br>and some dog food is made of horse, <br>animals have to eat to.<br><br>-edit-<br><br>most people need meat more than someone who can be a vegi,<br>everyone needs protien.<br>i hope you know what to eat to get your protien.<br>;D
  • Panda, i'm edging into my second year, it's not as hard as it seems really. My aunt is a veggie sometimes and then not one. If you're used to eating meat, it's hard, but after two weeks it's like.. 'Hey, this is easy!'<br><br>I have some health problems with protein/iron, but I take supplement pills every now and then to kick it back up into working order. muahahhah. :D
  • hehe, i'm on the third year :]<br><br>woo baby!
  • ah dont eat kosher. I seen something about that, they torture there animals when trying to kill them Y.Y
    Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
  • Honestly, I don't really think that VP is the place for this discussion.<br>Not only because it's controversial but also because this has already had references to religion. Which is not an acceptable topic on VP. <br> :wink:
  • Eeep, sorry about that buffy. XD
  • The only meat I eat is elk which my family i guess you can say harvests every year. occasionally ribs but not very often. But I LOVE salad....
    "If I could go back in time, wouldn't change a damn thing in my life. Love the dumb things we do when we're young, but the best is yet to come."
  • I can't help but to reply to a post with my name in it. <br><br><br><br>I eat meat once in a while but it makes me really sick when I do. <br>I don't eat pork. NO WAY in hell. It would be just like eating my child.<br><br>(Grabs piggies.."its okay you're safe with momma"<br><br>:)
    15/100 mill
  • I love love love meat. but I will NEVER eat sheep or goats :|
  • Meat's alright.<br><br>A few of my friends are veggies.<br><br>I like it.. :? xD
    Michael Raymond <3
    10.10.10 10:10 pm <3
  • <span style="color:indigo"><span style="font-size:75"><br>Somehow meat makes me sick. <br>I never seen those vids of the slaughtering cause I would NOT be able to take it.<br>My friend saw it and she can still eat meat. I don't know how really.<br>She was about to show me one and I was just like no and left the room.<br>I can't stand animals be abused nor slaughtered. :|<br>I do like vegetables a LOT. So I have no problem becoming a veggie.<br>But although meat makes me I said above :b<br>I still have it <span style="font-style:italic">sometimes</span> only chicken nuggets or hot dogs :(<br>So, I believe in vegetarianism. But have not been able to conquer it myself...I'll try :)</span><br><span style="font-size:59">I like to place my opinions in stuff. I sorry :b</span><br></span>
  • Panda, i'm edging into my second year, it's not as hard as it seems really. My aunt is a veggie sometimes and then not one. If you're used to eating meat, it's hard, but after two weeks it's like.. 'Hey, this is easy!'<br><br>I have some health problems with protein/iron, but I take supplement pills every now and then to kick it back up into working order. muahahhah. :D
    <br><br>yeah, i have never eaten much meat in my life so it was easy.<br>(i do eat seafood.)<br>a lot of my friends who wanted to be vegi couldn't last long because they had meat cooked at thier house every night or they had terrible friends who snuck meat into thier food.<br>i can no longer eat meat ianymore or i will get sick, i had one of the "terrible friend" accidents and i missed school for a day or two.<br><br>i use to take supplement pills when i first started, but i weaned myself off and ate peanuts, seafood, etc.<br>my body is now use to not having loads of protien dumped into my body.<br>;D
  • <span style="font-size:75">Secret is a vegetarian!!<br><br>Im going on three years.<br><br>And referring to your point earlier about Christians saying that God put animals here to serve us, well I'm a Christian and I agree, but only to a certain extent. I think animals were put here to be companions and to help us live. Like milking cows and goats and what not. But not totally slaughtering them. That's why I couldnt be a vegan, i like milk too much. Despite the fact that i know what goes into it and how much cows and their babies suffer.</span>
  • I'm... Not vegetarian. =D<br><br>Honestly, I understand not eating meat because of health issues. I do not understand not eating meat because you're obsessed with PETA and their overly stereotyped views. God I hate PETA.<br><br>You may make this post so the "vegetarians can share their feelings" but non-vegetarians should post theirs too. Okay, so, you think everyone who isn't vegetarian is a "meat-freak". Wtf. That's quite offensive. =p<br><br>As Buffy said, VP really isn't the place for this. Those silly STOP THE SLAUGHTER banners weren't appreciated, and I doubt this will be either.
  • Amen Kaz.<br>even though i'm veggi,<br>i totally agree with you,<br>i hate peta, with a passion.<br>i am only am veggi for the animals and for my health.<br>XD
  • Oh God. Why are you bringing this up?<br><br>Not all slaughtering factories are inhumane, just the odd few. You don't hear about the humane ones of course, because there's nothing to worry about with them. It's not cruel to eat meat. Don't tell me human teeth weren't designed to eat meat (wonder why we have the "ripping" a.k.a. canine teeth?). Made for celery only? I don't think so. <br><br>We ARE meat so we need meat. If you don't like it, that's fine, but don't justify yourself or make yourself superior over the ones who do eat meat by saying we are meat freaks. <br><br>Funny, animals kill each other "inHUMANEly" in several ways, but the minute a human does it to an animal, it's cruel.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • reina__ wrote:
    Oh God. Why are you bringing this up?<br><br>Not all slaughtering factories are inhumane, just the odd few. You don't hear about the humane ones of course, because there's nothing to worry about with them. It's not cruel to eat meat. Don't tell me human teeth weren't designed to eat meat (wonder why we have the "ripping" a.k.a. canine teeth?). Made for celery only? I don't think so. <br><br>We ARE meat so we need meat. If you don't like it, that's fine, but don't justify yourself or make yourself superior over the ones who do eat meat by saying we are meat freaks. <br><br>Funny, animals kill each other "inHUMANEly" in several ways, but the minute a human does it to an animal, it's cruel.
    <br><br>I agree with you. It' wrong to torture animals, but not wrong to eat meat. I don't eat a lot of meat, but that's mostly because I don't like it that much. Like you said, not a lot of places torture, even though I hate the thought of torturing an animal. It would be easier for both us and the animals if al killing was done quickly and painlessly. <br><br>And didn't you just post something like this reina?
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • <span style="font-size:75">Okay, why is this still going on? I think both sides of the matter have been stated and continuing to talk about it is just stupid. Its starting to get offensive [to me anyway] and i think we should just let this post float down the page. :roll: </span>
  • Thanks for calling me stupid. :)<br><br>I did post something similar but it was about something else... how several things are "animal cruelty" in this world now when they're actually not. And placing animals above people.. yada yada yada. There's clashing views. I know better not to post controversial stuff now.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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