This might possibly<br>be one of the most<br>annoying things any<br>one could possibly<br>do.<br>Like, honestly, I can<br>barely read your<br>writing let alone when<br>you start typing like this<br>or like,<br>say like every like 2 seconds,<br>because like its like, not cool anymore<br>you know <br>why?<br>because like it's not like<br>you're actually speaking in like real life,<br>you're typing,<br>and like, your fingers would probably like<br>thank you for not like, making<br>them like type "like" every other word<br><br><br>that was a little exaggerated, and i understand if they are longer sentences/lines <br>and then chopped off, but not when it's like every other like, like, word
:P<br><br>it doesn't really make me uber frustrated or anything, but i can barely read it when people<br>type like that. also with the L-word allllll the time. :shock:
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Some of you owe me cash - so check your CONTRACTS!!
luv, scotch (who is very much FEMALE, everyone. FEMALE.)
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line