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Ok all you horse people......

edited May 2009 in General Discussion
I have a quiz.<br><br>No, jk. Well I was out with my sis and went to the Inn where they had<br>horses there for horseback riding.... and we took some pics.<br><br>There was this beautiful chestnut horse there, a gelding, that we got pics<br>with. I wanna know what breed he is! I was thinking maybe an Arab at first,<br>and then maybe a Morgan, but I really don't know. He was with other horses,<br>and seemed pretty spirited... meaning he whinnied really loud and stomped<br>up to the fence when I talked to him, and then he quieted down.<br><br>Head shot: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... C04144.jpg</a><br><br>....another shot: (LOL) <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... C04147.jpg</a><br><br>Maybe half-arab? He's fairly small... the person standing there is about 5'7" or so.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">I'd say he for sure has Arab in him. xD<br>Beautiful face <3<br>Although I don't think he'd be a pure Arabian, but it's there.</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Isn't he too cute?! He loved me.... lol.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • He's gorgeous x3<br><br>Definitely has some Arab, but I'm pretty sure he's not a full Arab :) <br>I used to own a full Arab, and before that I rode them all the time because the stable where I took private lessons bred Arabs for showing etc. <br>So we kept him there and stuff<br>But anyways I've been around a ton of Arabians and I'd say he's at least part because of the structure of the face, and he seems kinda small for a purebred lol<br>I can't tell what the other part is though xD
  • He's totally adorable! He looks a lot like a horse my friend has, who is Arab x Morgan x QH-pony. Maybe something along those lines?
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    luv, scotch (who is very much FEMALE, everyone. FEMALE.)
  • I remember him being pretty lean, like an Arab, so not sure exactly what he would be mixed with. Morgan sounds possible though... maybe his mom was an arab cross and his dad was a pure arab, lol. I love arabs though... so sosososo cute!
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I have no idea about the horse.. Just wanted to comment on Fallon's new yellow face. LOL!! You're a great artist, Reina.
  • He DEFINITALLYha arab in him. We have a half arab and i can see the same facials on them. But he is DEFINITALLY small. Could have some QH in him. We have one of those too and she's itty- bitty
  • He definatly has Arab in him. Very cute face!<br><br>I doubt he's pure, but he may be an Anglo-Arab (TBxArab)...
  • well heres something to throw you guys off, <br>but my horse looks exactly like an arab, face features and ect.<br>but its a QH; i know this by its papers and her parents<br><br>it mostly depends on the way her background is,<br>bone structure. height. face depth. <br><br>xD so for all you know it could almost be any breed
  • yep I agree with Mahgic but every breed of horse has arab in it so the features just may be coming out. It is hard to tell the breed with the pics you have the face looks like an arab but it could be any other breed with the same face. My morgan has the same face. The height really doesn't mean anything my cousin had a pure arab that was 13.3 and seeing that the person next to him is 16.3 hh and that at their head and there is about 1 foot or so difference in the height of land they are standing on her shoulder would pretty much be even with his I would say it about 14 or so hh and thats about normal for an arab.
  • Every breed of horse has Arab in it? :? I don't know if that's 100% true...
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <span style="color:darkred">okay. finally got back to this thread. :D<br><br>my mum has had arabians, arabian ponies, arabian riding ponies, and partbred arabians since before i was born.<br>truthfully. he has the arabian head, but his jaw looks a little too big. hes also tiny but looks a little stocky too.<br>but! he has the arabian ears and eyes, lmao. :P <br><br>my guess would be anglo X arab. because of the stockiness and jaw - anglo, but an arabian or an arabian pony would bring the height down.<br><br>how old is he? and can you find out the actual breed?</span>
  • I have no idea.. I don't know who owns him, somebody at the equestrian centre/inn. We just drove there and parked in the gigantic driveway and pet them, lol. Anglo arab makes sense. Then again I've seen Morgans that look like him too, so it's hard to know. If I go back, he might not even be there, but if I do and he is, I'll take more pics, better ones.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Looks Like a pony at my yard who it part welsh and part Arab. Though he is miles smaller than your guys hahaa.<br>Your guy probably has abit more Arab than mine ^^<br>So maybe hes quarter Welsh, three quarter arab?<br><br>Also having said that, he looks alot like a morab too (Morgan x Arab)<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... ervice.jpg</a> - Morab
  • yeah every horse as arab in it. Its the oldest known breed and other breeds lines go back to them. There may be a few like 1% or less that don't trace back to them but thats the smallest amount
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