Its for the goat im getting June 12ish, but anyways.<br>Info about the goat:<br>Color: Cream and White<br>Sire's Name: Cyclone<br>Dam's Name: Angel Food Cake<br>Breed: LaMancha<br>Gender: Female<br><br>Criteria:<br>Must not be too out there...<br>Must not be anything too corny<br><br>Names of goats I have Now:<br>Gurkin (Dad named him)<br>Rain (Horse named her)<br>Lightining <br>Rosemary (she came with the name)<br>Hopefully these names help with what I like.<br><br>TOP 5- (if your name is on here, send -50k to Wheaton)<br>Skye, <br>Goose, <br>Cloud, <br>Thyme,<br>Chance<br><br>WINNER<br>THYME -suggested by piper<br><br>Prize:<br>100k err yah<br><br>Closing:<br>June 7th<br>Top 5 named June 7th (everyone there may get a prize <.<)<br>Winner Named June 13th
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