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name suggestions? *new update.

so, i'm getting a new puppy,<br>it's a miniature daschund,<br>i haven't had a puppy since my dog,<br>that I have now was one,<br>she is now ten.<br><br>has anyone ever had a mini daschund....<br>or any type of daschund?<br>:O<br><br>i grew up with two,<br>and they where stinky.<br>X)<br><br><br>i'm excited.<br>i will post pictures next week when i get him,<br>i plan on naming him axel,<br>buttt, if anyone has any suggestions for names let me know.


  • I think should call him Harvey i love that name also axel is nice :D
  • harvey is cute.<br>XD<br><br>he is a red/tan color.
  • Rusty then! xD<br><br>I like Axel :D <br><br>I hope you'll post pics when you get him =D<br><br><br>I've never owned a dachshund, but I watched one run flyball before xD He was a trip. :lol: <br><br>Good luck with him =D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • i'll have a puppy photoshoot of him and my grandma's dog,<br>i should be getting him between tuesday and friday,<br>rusty is a cute name.<br>XD<br><br>i always liked the name axel,<br>because i saw it in a comercial a while back,<br>i also was thinking about copper,<br>like off fox & the hound.<br>i love daschunds legs,<br>they are all wrinkled up when they are pups.<br><br>my grandma's dog:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>this is KC,<br>we've already have had a lot of photoshoots,<br>sorry about the giant watermark in the picture,<br>i use this picture in my photography portfolio,<br>can't have it stolen.<br>;D
  • Axel sounds very cute =) The name is gorgeous :3<br><br>My friend has a female Daschund/Chihuahua, and she's just an overly awesome dog. Not too yappy unless the other dogs bark, obedient, good on walks... but she shivers a hell of a lot. xD I'm assuming she gets that from Chihuahuas! xD<br><br>Good luck on Axel. =D
  • Axel sounds cute. I like the name Diesel too
  • i like Kyro... like Egypt. i was gonna name my male aussie that... then some1 else bought him when i was begging my dad for him T~T *epic fail*
  • ohhh.<br>i like those names.<br>now i am going to have a hard time naming him.<br>XD
  • Kegin or maybe Keegan.<br><br>That's mii puppys' name :]
  • "Marshie wrote:
    "]Kegin or maybe Keegan.<br><br>That's mii puppys' name :]
    <br><br>sorry,<br>can't do that.<br>my cousins name is keagan.<br>and i don't want a name that's already taken.<br>looking for unique names.
  • new update:<br>i am getting him tuesday,<br>(depending if i go into work.)<br>if not, then i get him wensday.<br>i will post pictures the secound i get home.<br>:D
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