Username: Darkest Shadow<br>Playername: olikp <br>What I want: 1 mill please, <br>Details: Thanks sooooooo much :!: You are one of the most generous people on vp :!:
Bid 0 on her albr08<br><br>Sent Darkest.<br><br>Sending Kristie<br><br>Place your bid of 0 on her vamp.<br><br><br>-Edit-<br>Ripple, sorry but you have already had one thing for today...
Username: Trisscar<br>Playername: Baytown<br>What I want: #3 1mill<br>Details: It will go towards the training of my Anglo French Hound Line. thanks so much!
Username: iluvdogs111 <br>Playername: puppylover1700<br>What I want: 1mil<br>Details Will go towards breeding. (getting new dogs, getting em trained, having em bred...)<br><br>Thanks!!!!!!!!!
Username: "Scottie"<br>Playername: ScottieTime <br>What I want: #5: 1 million<br>Details: I am holding a contest, and I'd like to raise my prizes for the wonderful artists.
Username: MondyFlax<br>Playername: Link's Princess<br>What I want: 280/200 Training w/o aggro<br>Details: I have a dog in need of training for an addition to my showdogs.<br><br>and thank you, this is very nice.
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
Username: Saved09<br>Playername: Saved09<br>What I want: 1 mill please<br>Details: I am saving for a sponsor kennel, and every little bit helps<br><br>Thank you so much
Username:Jennifer27<br>Playername:The Master's Kennel<br>What I want: 1 mil <br>Details: It would help me start up my Plott hound line(getting more imports, buying breedings). I am trying to make the breed better and raise it's popularity.
"If I could go back in time, wouldn't change a damn thing in my life. Love the dumb things we do when we're young, but the best is yet to come."
Username: Sunshine<br>Playername: mads159<br>What I want: 1 mill <br>Details: I would like to use it to enter my dogs in events so I can get a larger prize if they win.<br><br>Thanks, this is so generous!!
Problem with everyone. All the 1mil's are taken. So please choose something different. Sorry. And Maghic, that dog has been taken by femalevamp14 on the first page.
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Goals: 13/50million VPC
Some of you owe me cash - so check your CONTRACTS!!
luv, scotch (who is very much FEMALE, everyone. FEMALE.)
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .