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Layout contest...Prize 7 Million

I am in need of a layout and thought I would hold a contest. I am not the most creative person so I would like everyone out there to be creative for me. <br>Below is some information of my likes, some pictures that you don't necessarily have to use, the different color schemes I like etc. Also part of this contest is a kennel slogan. I cannot for the life of me think of one. I have a sense of humor and can be a little silly so you can come up with something wacky, I like wacky things.<br><br>Type of Kennel: Breeding<br>Owner name: Squeamish<br>Kennel name: Chumbucket<br>Link: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Colors: <br>Purples, Blacks, Silver<br>Black and red<br>Icy blues, silver<br>black and pink<br><br>Themes:<br>Mountains<br>Snow<br>Clouds<br>Mystical<br>Dreamy<br>Misty, Foggy<br>You get the picture :)<br><br>Text:<br>Elegant<br>Script<br><br>Pictures(from corbis):<br>CB05883<br>CB058606<br>CB059485<br>42-15851952 <br>CB05056<br>CB014076<br>CB05101<br>CB023527 <br>CB063905<br>BXP45793<br>BXP45784 <br>CB016902<br><br>Dog Pics(from corbis):<br>42-18920722 <br>42-18920717 <br>42-15599643 <br>42-18113873 <br>42-18713863 <br>42-16611610<br>42-21637454 <br>42-17932354 <br>42-16749665 <br>42-18632975 <br>42-16057837 <br>42-16791720 <br><br>Obviously you don't have to use all the pics, actually you don't have to use any if you can find your own pictures that are somewhat similar.<br><br>Text areas: 6<br><br>Link Areas: 5<br><br><span style="font-size:150">Now on to the good part, the prize:<span style="color:red"> <span style="font-weight:bold"> 7 Million </span></span></span><br>May go up depending on how many entries I get.<br><br>Not sure when this will end but I would prefer it doesn't go on forever.<br>If you have any questions ask away.<br><br>Entrants:


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