ok, so ima need a fursona drawn for me coz im terrible at drawing things for miself. and this means that i am going to have a little contest thinga majiger.<br><br>now what ya'll gotta include on it:<br>-it needs to be a large feline (not sure what kind). it has to be agile looking. have dark colours (blood red and black variants). msybe like a jaguar with the spots being red?<br>-needs to have raven wings. they have to be spread out and the tips need to look like the tips are being flicked like they do when they're communicating that its their territory and someone needs to leave.<br>-needs to look fierce, coz im pretty darn fierce<br>-needs to have this symbol on her left shoulder: <a href="
http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/226/2/8/Therianthropy_Symbol_by_LoneDarkWolf.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/2 ... rkWolf.jpg</a><br>-one paw could be swatting with claws extended like this (but not specificly that pose): <a href="
http://www.wtcc.sa.gov.au/webdata/resources/images/cat_playing.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://www.wtcc.sa.gov.au/webdata/resou ... laying.png</a><br><br>okay, mi prizes arent as good as i would like them to be but i think they're pretty decent.<br><br>winner: 3 mill, 5 banners/pics or 2 lines, and 2 trainings.<br>all entries: 250k and 2 banners each<br><br>you can enter as many times as you want, but you can <span style="color:blue">only</span> use your own work. and it must be coloured, digitally or traditionally.