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Seriously.. Tryin to kill meh?! o.o

edited May 2009 in Vent
I think my teacher had an attempt to kill me today... >.><br><br>He made us all sprint run. I started to have an athsma attack. I was like<br>"Can -deep breath- I -deep breath- Get -deep breath- my -deep breath- inhaler -flail-"<br><br>He said No. I could not get my inhaler. I was having a frikin ATHSMA ATTACK and I'm not aloud to get my inhaler?!?! That can KILL ME. D<
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .


  • If I where you,<br>I would go get it,<br>he can't tell you can't go get it,<br>ecspecially if it's going to kill you.<br>I have a mild form of asthma,<br>so, I don't need an inhaler unless I run a mile straight.<br>But, he can't tell you that you can't have it.
  • I have severe athsma. e.x I NEED my inhaler at those times. My friend Taylor sat down on the bench with me though. And we both got detention for not running. Pff. It's bull. D<
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • I'd report it to the principal, or dean, or whatever you call your head person...
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  • Principal doesn't care. She hates meh. D< And my parents just said "Oh well. It'll brush over."
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • ahh poor Mondy. I had a mean gym teacher like that once. I am pretty sure he didn't hate me cause I didn't cause him and trouble cause I liked gym class but my best friend he hated. He did pretty much the same thing to her as urs did to you. I was so mad at him. I hope he gets nicer. If he doesn't ignore him. I'll hunt him down and teach him some manners for you!
  • MondyFlax wrote:
    Principal doesn't care. She hates meh. D< And my parents just said "Oh well. It'll brush over."
    <br><br>Well if your principal doesn't care tell the superntendent or someone of higher power than the principal.B/c tour teacher can get in alot of trouble for that.<br>If u were like me( thank god your not. i get into trouble to much for suporting my "views" and watnot) I'd say screw u and go get it and walk to a staff member with higher power than the teacher or even another teacher who (likes) you and they will help.<br><br>srry i stink at spelling :wink:
    ~Grim Reaper~
  • I think you should definatly tell someone. A friendly teacher you trust, a school counsler, a superindendet, anyone.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • o.o thats the opposite of my gym teacher... He made me sit out cause I got hit in the head, I only had to play one round of Dodgeball in gym xD. First round my blood sugar was low, the second round I played, Third I played for 30 seconds and smack got hit
  • I don't have asthma, but some of my friends do.. and in P.E or whatever, sometimes they get pretty bad, like emergency bad.<br><br>He can't do that if it could kill you .. wow.<br><br>:O<br><br>My mondy has to be kept alive! :33
    ((: ... anqel'
  • I agree to go to someone of higher power, or you could also get a doctor's note for next time you have a problem because it is illegal for them to not let you do or not do something if you have a doctor's note
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