They say you cant hate family?, Its just sibling rivalry(sp?)!, You'll Grow out of it. <br>BUT; What if you do ACCUALLY hate your siblings..?<br>I Guess i dont HATE my sister; Severly dislike her, but not hate.<br>But dont get me started on my brother. I do; HATE him.<br>This started about 6 years ago. Money was tight and my mum couldnt afford to work and pay a sitter.. and of some reason he found beyond great enjoyment out of winding up and torturing his 11 and 9 year old sisters. This was start -minor- hate, he kept doing this for about 4 years, then he got handy with his fists, and i cant really remember much so im not going into it, but christmas was when i FINALLY desided that i hated him, he came (he doesnt live with us) up in a bad mood so whenever someone did the slightest thing he'd start a fight; christmas day he threw a metal dog bowl at my head; my sister elbow'd me in the chest; so he kicked me in shin- i fell over; he kicked me repeatedly in the stomach, This was because i slept in.. 25mins....?<br><br>He is deff what id describe as a money grabber. in the past 7 years he has had £49.5k off my mum.<br>Now.. ATM my mum is seriously ill.. to the point i had to argue the toss with her to try to get her into hospital. It worked. but in order for her to be able to go she needed someone to help with the buisness, we called my brother; first he said he'd only come up if she was accually in hospital, next he said hed only come up if that AND if she GAVE him £230 (which she did) Ive just found out she needs an op. but for the op she needs to be in for 6wks. that means 6wks of continuous HELL for me. as when hes here my sister joins in with the bulling .. i accually dont know if ill make it 6weeks, he only got here yesterday and i already want to kill myself..
Please PM me if I win anything.
- Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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