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Okay do you think that people who aren't sponsers should be able to create and hold an event?
I have 2 dogs in real life ones name is Bear and the other ones name is Twixx There German Shepard/Husky Mix!


  • why should novices get to create events like sponsors when they don't pay the $20 that sponsors do.
  • Of course!!!! I see nothin wrong with it.... and maybe some people dont have $20 to pay.... not everyone is fortunate!
    luv ya bunches
  • No. Sponsers payed $20 to have special things such as training bonuses, and events. I dont think novices should be able to run events without paying the money. I know most novices cant get $20 right away but they can do chores and such to earn the money.
  • *can see this becoming a flame thread in oh say 5 more posts :? *<br><br>Umm well honestly, even if you can't afford the $20 . . . if you were to be allowed to create events it would be unfair for the people who payed (sometimes more than once :D) . . . I've seen a lot of threads like this one and I just can't see it happening . . . and if it did I know a LOT of sponsers (and maybe the occasional novice :D ) would quit . . . maybe even me . . .<br><br>Plus . . . financially for Nef it would be BAD <span style="font-size:150">BAD</span> <span style="font-size:200">BAD</span> <br><br>Hehe that was fun to do . . . <br>I just thought of another reason . . . novice accounts are supposed to be trial accounts . . . There's been talk that they may make novice accounts like time out after 6 months like a trial. Personally, I'm not so sure this would happen and I would be very sad if it did but it just goes to show ya . . . if they might do that I'm fairly certain that novices making events is out of the picture . . .
  • this has been brought up before hasn't it??? Also, no.<br><br>Not making this a flame thread.....This was brought up before and onlya couple people agreed. in fact, I think the ops got mad cause it was a flame thread
    Dun message me. I quit.

    If you want a full explanation(most should know) message me
  • As long as everyone can keep up civilized conversation I'm not going to do anything about this thread, it is interesting on the other hand to see why novices think they need more perks other than to be able to play a game like this for free when there's thousands of games that would give them a month, or in some cases a mere week, and then boot them off of the site when they don't pony up the dough.<br><br>Personally, I think these kinds of threads are rather selfish, and it does upset me... Ok, it angers me a bit to see them. It's not fair to demand things when you're already getting a pretty sweet deal. Also from what I've seen, if novices were allowed to create events, we'd lose quite a bit of sponsors, who are already a bit pissed about their own event creating problems because of the lack of people showing nowadays.<br><br>You can't honestly believe that novices should get more do you? It's been the same way for well over 2 years now, ergo, it ain't gonna happen. If it does, I'll be one shocked individual, I was in the middle of saying something like "If it does happen, I'll buy every novice a sponsor kennel", then I remembered my luck and decided to change it.<br><br>Anyway, word to the wise, if the less tactful players see this post, which doesn't even belong in this thread in the first place, you're going to recieve quite a tongue lashing... This thread will remain open until I see serious nastiness, so keep it rather civil, heated discussion ok, badmouthing people because they are either sponsors or novices is a no-no.
  • I say NO to this idea. I worked hard to get the money that I payed for sponsers on VHR & on VP. I think it would be very unfair to the sponsers who payed for their time on VP & the novices (not pointing this at anyone) breed and age dogs & try to get money for them. (not all novices do that)<br>Anyways I am against the idea & I do hope that the VP novice kennels dont have to become 'trials'
    Please PM me if I win/bought anything!
  • Okay i dont mean this topic to be a nasty and rude topic i just would like to know other peoples opinions. For me I think that you could be a sponser for less money like $15 or even $10. Just incase people can't pay that sort of money. Or maybe you could have one day of the week were you can host an event without being a sponser!
    I have 2 dogs in real life ones name is Bear and the other ones name is Twixx There German Shepard/Husky Mix!
  • the money from sponsor accounts goes to the game & Nef and if you decrease the amount of money then your not heloing the game much :?
  • But what do you think about the one day a week you can host an event even if your not a trainer
    I have 2 dogs in real life ones name is Bear and the other ones name is Twixx There German Shepard/Husky Mix!
  • Be content with what you've got as a novice.. as Nitara said there are dozens of games that kick you off when you don't pay any money.<br><br>If novices keep whinning about this, I think sponsers should start suggesting getting rid of novices for a simple means of peace and quiet and no more selfish complaints.
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • Look I really do like what i have and i know that nobody can make everyone happy but i am just suggesting things. If you start booting people of because you think there selfish im sorry but unless its really serious that is ridiclous :!:
    I have 2 dogs in real life ones name is Bear and the other ones name is Twixx There German Shepard/Husky Mix!
  • OK, I'm going to stick my two cents in. Just an opinion. I am a sponsor, and I do like the perks sponsors do get. However, I can understand players with novice accounts frustration. If you are younger or don't have a lot of money $20 can seem like a lot of money. I'm not sure if this has been suggested before or not, but what if there was the option to pay on a monthly basis. For example, I have a blog and for the premium account they have the following payments: $3 for one month, $5 for 2 months, $15 for 6 months, and $20 for a year. This way I think people would be a little more willing to pay for the sponsor accounts. I know I was a little hesitant at paying $20 for a full year when I first upgraded. I didn't know if I would really use all the perks for the sponsor or if I'd really keep playing for a full year. It would at least give people a taste of what the sponsor account was, and it would make it worthwhile to pay the $20 because it is really the best deal.<br><br>Here's another idea I have about the novice accounts being able to host events. Why not make it so that the sponsors have to pay a certain amount of VP cash to host an event. For example, like after a novice has a certain amount of fame points(200 or maybe more) they would be able to pay like 500k or some other amount of VP cash to host events. This way it would encourage novices to have well bred, fully trained dogs so they can do better in the events, to then earn the money/fame to host an event.<br><br>OOH OOH...or have a raffle type thing or even a random thing, where every month or every couple months a novice gets upgraded to a sponsor account for say 1 or 2 months. <br><br>MM, there was another idea in my head, but it *poofed* and ran away. Anyways, like I said, just my two cents on the topic.
  • Ok, I've played as a novice for 2 YEARS before I became a sponsor last June. It took a while, because you know what? None of my parents went to college. My mom can't get a good job, which forces me to switch schools every year or so. And her boyfriend is an engineer! They don't make enough money for me to be spending a lot on Internet games, so don't tell me you can't get the money. Here are some ways to get the money:<br><br>1) Allowance.<br>2) Early Bday/Christmas Present.<br>3) Make some sort of deal with your parents.<br>4) Make a little fund. Recycle and scavenge for money, then when you get $20, ask them. Another more pleasing way (at least for my parents), collect an extra $5 and offer it to them as a "gift" or something.
  • All I'm seeing is suggestions on how Nef could lose money.
  • All I'm seeing is suggestions on how Nef could lose money.
    <br><br>Yes, consider all the work Nef has put into this game and the fact that it is not CHEAP to keep the game running before complaining about sponser perks, the unfairness of a novice, and/or how the money should be divided.<br><br>Either you do not pay or you do, no one is forcing you to remain on VP/VHR as a novice.
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • Thanx for all of you that have replied. But still keep on checking in on this post. Express what you really feel on this post board thing. :!: 8)
    I have 2 dogs in real life ones name is Bear and the other ones name is Twixx There German Shepard/Husky Mix!
  • If novices could creat events can you even begin to imagine how many events there would be on this game? Well there would be a lot.
  • do we have to bring back old posts?
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