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Sorry I don't need help

edited April 2009 in Vent
I've noticed a LOT of novice help programs out there, and sometimes I kind of find them a bit, whats the word, overly strong? Now don't get me wrong, novice programs are helpful and I'm even part of one, but sometimes somethings shouldn't be taken too far. I do understand that at first VP is confusing and hard, but a simple question to someone on the Bark Park will give you an answer. <br> I've seen maybe 5 or 6 minimum Novice Help Programs, but don't you think 1 or 2 tops is plenty? As I have said before being a novice player is <span style="text-decoration:underline">not</span> easy but it's really no different than being a sponsor; you can make as much as a sponsor player if you work hard. <br> This brings me to another little puddle of a flood of the problem. Novices may not be able to make money as quickly as sponsors, but jeeze we're not infants and we do not need to be helped every step of the way. Think about this; How many out of the novice help programs we see do it for novices, like truley for novices and not just for self-credit?<br> In this post I'm not diliberately (sp?) attempting to stereotype anyone but I had to get my two cents out. Oh and novices programs arent bad, but sometimes going to the extreame isn't necessary.


  • A lot of people do act like infants that need to be coddled and led by the hand through life. xD;
  • Any novice program is a nice gesture. Some novices complain that they can't get help, others complain when you try to help. Can't please everyone, gotta please yourself. <br>Everyone has a different learning style, and if one novice program isn't helping them, they can move on to another that caters more to their needs.<br>I will say getting help from someone that can help is much better than say, oh creating mulitple forum and novice accounts, acting like they are different people, begging for money for another novice that's really the same person etc.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • Kaz: Too true some times XD<br><br>Nutty: I'm not complaining about the getting help part, and you're right it is a nice gesture, but there are extreames to everything and having like 6 novice clubs for a lot of novices who like to get on to chat...well maybeit does seem a tad pointless. But if those 5 or 6 clubs had got together more could be accomplised, ya know?
  • I do agree to some extent about the exreemness of Novice help programs, I just read about one today, Giving free dogs, money etc etc, and quite frankly I don't think thats helping. They wont learn or get anywhere if they get given everything to succeed.<br><br>If novice help programs could offer some support like any questions can be answered and tips on how to make a bit of money and what to look for in dogs and sure maybe a dog to start off with showing or something but yeah some people do over do it.<br><br>When i first started playing there was nothing like that. And here i am 3 years later, still a novice, a fairly wealthy one lol, but one that knows what shes doing and learnt how to on her own.<br><br>Sorry for hijacking Katie. =]
  • It's ok you weren't hijacking XD. lol I was the same way when I started VP
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