<span style="font-size:150">Make Easter fun for everybun...</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:200">Discourage the sale of "Easter Bunnies"</span></span><br><br>It's that time again when pet shops fill with lots of cute little Easter bunnies for all the little kids to find in their Easter basket. Who wouldn't want a Easter bunny? What's a better gift then a cute little bunny? Makes the kids happy, right?<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Every year people buy adorable little Easter Bunnies for their child as a gift for Easter. Soon many children get bored of the bunny and sadly many of these bunnies are dumped at shelters or given a death sentence by being released in the wild. Bunnies are wonderful companions but are certainly not low maintenance. They come with a 7-10+ year commitment requiring proper care, a healthy diet, veterinary care, love and more. This is a commitment many Easter Bunny buyers are not ready to commit to. And in the end, it is the innocent bunny that has to pay the price.</span><br><br><br><span style="font-size:92">I have four of my own rabbits. I could never imagine a kid taking proper care of them and most of the time the parents put the care of the rabbit on the kids. They are a <span style="font-style:italic">commitment for up to 8-10+ years</span> and require daily care. They are just like a dog or cat. <br><br>Here's a quick list of <span style="font-style:italic">regular </span>supplies needed for my rabbits.<br><br>-Hay<br>-Pellets (as in food)<br>-Litter<br>-Vegetables<br><br>And some notes:<br>I buy hay in bales and go through about a bale every month in a half. If you don't have access to good farm hay you'll be buying in in the store. That price can add up!<br>I buy two brands of pellets. Dolla has a sensitive stomach and so her and Domino eat a lower protien pellet food.<br>My rabbits get vegetables a few times to almost every night a week (besides Dolla).<br><br><br>You might be wondering... If they are so much work, why would I have them? Because they are amazing pets! Marley, my french lop is such a people bunny. She comes when called, follows me around and loves to rest her head on my leg while getting head scratches. All my rabbits beg worse then most dogs I've met. Dolla loves to cuddle, though if she has to sit still for anything other then that she won't! They each have their own personalities. They also keep me sane. When I'm having my bad days how can you not be happy when a big old rabbit comes running at you full charge for treat? Or when a little bunny sticks her head through the cage bars to beg for treats? Or when you get a surprise and find a certain bunny got onto the shelves and knocked everything off (aka Dolla xD).<br><br>If you or someone you know is really serious about getting a rabbit don't buy from a pet store. Opt to Adopt! Check your local shelters and DO YOUR RESEARCH before adopting so you know what your getting into!</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">It breaks my heart to see "Easter Bunnies" for sale because I know where most of them will end up. Please, help discourage the sale of Easter Bunnies!</span><br><br>If you'd like to use my banner in your siggy go ahead! Just use this url:<br><a href="
http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j117/CoolBozPup14/2009/Creations/2009_02_24EasterBunnies.png" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j117/ ... unnies.png</a><br><br>If you have any questions feel free to ask or PM me!
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