<span style="font-size:75">So Moony found a bunny last night
<br>And I get to keep him ^_^<br>He's really sweet, so he's obviously had human contact, and was a pet.<br>He looks like a lop bunny. Actually...I'm pretty sure he's a lop bunny xD<br>I named him Bosley ;D<br>We're going to put up flyers, in case you were wondering...<br>But, I honestly don't think anyone will claim him. <br>We live in like..the middle of nowhere, up in the moutains.<br>So...I'm kinda wondering how he got up here.<br>I found him in our "backyard"<br>which is just...open haha<br>He let me pick him right up<br><br>My question though..<br>he has bunny mats in his fur both on his tummy and feet. What do I do<br>about those?</span>