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Hey, I am new

Hey, I am new juste joiend. I have been reading and it preaty much covers the basic. I joiend the fourm for some more help and i was wondering.<br><br>1) Where can i get a decent dog to start my kennel off?<br><br>2) how do i make money. I am not a artis and i was reading i needed a trainer to train my dogs but then i found out that takes money. so yah that brings up a issue.<br><br>3) Is there any little groups to help new people like me. Say get a dog.<br><br>4) Eventing does your dog win some sort of money or fame.<br><br>5) What does it take to be a respected player?<br><br>Sorry for all the question i juste want my experince on V.P to be a fun one.<br><br>Thanks Karine


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">1. From me. 8D I'll look for a good one for you. :3<br>2. I'll give you a good eventing dog, and if you event it he'll earn you money. <br>3. There are some people who run novice groups, nothing 'official' though.<br>4. Eventing earns you both money and fame.<br>5. You earn respect by following the rules, and just being a decent person to work with. If you respect others, they'll respect you too. A big thing on here to earning respect is using proper grammar and spelling. Lots of people on here -hate- chat speak. But you seem good about that. :3 Things like lol, lmao, ttyl. Basic ones are accepted. but nothing like <span style="font-style:italic">hi wll u b mi frend????</span><br><br>And last but not least, welcome to VP! :D<br>I can try and help you as much as possible to get going on here, I'll post back soon with a dog or two for eventing. :3</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Thanks so much. By The Way i see you like mama mia we have a thing in comun i love that movie
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Hehe no problem. :3<br>I LOVE Mamma Mia.<br>My mother got it for Christmas and I've hoarded it my room ever since.<br>I've always -loved- ABBA music too so that plays a big role in my obsession with it. xD</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Its awsome everything about it
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Agreed. <3</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • have you found a dog yet. Wow you live in canada so do i
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2"> <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Bid 0<br><br>And please do NOT sell it. If you don't want it anymore I will gladly take it back.</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Thanks. What should i show him in
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Obedience, I also put that in the notes. ;3<br>And Yay! Another Canadian 8D</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • So now what should i do. Should i find a decent dog a bred it using a breeding kennel
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">The dog is past breeding age.<br>You can breed dogs until they are 12.6 in a breeding kennel providing they live that long.<br><br>Go to the events tab, and search obedience events.<br>Enter him in a few, and see how he does. It may take a couple days for them, to run.</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I could find you a pair of dogs to breed if you promise not go crazy with the breeding :)<br><br><br>AND WELCOME<br><br>Horse seems to be good at helping but if you have more questions go ahead and pm or message me ingame at Wheaton or Berton or both...
  • I would love if you could find me a pair of dogs to breed
  • Bonjour. ;]<br>Welcome to VirtualPups.<br><br>1. You can get a decent dog anywhere. You just need to know how to look ;]. There are many novice help programs that will give out free money and free trained dogs to newbies.<br>2. Its not too hard to make money. Its just time-consuming. The easiest way to make money, I think, is eventing your canine. The dog that Horsie gave you looks fantastic and you still got a few years on it ;]. There are also some trainers around that would probably help you by slashing their prices.<br>3. There are. I dont know of any that are currently organized and actually giving out dogs. I -think- SHN is still working. You can try msg-ing <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Boz</a>. Otherwise, there are plenty of people out there that can help you.<br>4. Eventing wins you fame AND money. The higher you place, the more fame you get. If there are a lot of dogs in the events, then you also receive more fame. The higher the entry fee also means the bigger the prizes. :]<br>5. It doesnt take much. VPs full of decent folks. Just remember to follow the rules and refrain from Chatspeak. :]<br><br>Hope that helps.<br>If you still need anything, pm me. I'll be glad to help you out.<br>Btw, if you need me on VP instead of on the forums, go ahead and click my banner to get to my kennel. :]
  • Thanks, I bided 0 on the dogs
  • mmk Ill accept them now :)
  • Thanks, I promise not to breed crazy
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