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OMG Whats Wrong With American Idol?

edited March 2009 in Vent
Okay well I just got finished watching the American Idol results and why did Alexis go in stead of Matt? <br>Last night was the only night I didn't vote and my 2nd top girl went!<br>I mean I like Amercian Idol and the judges but why the h..... did they not save Alexis?<br><br>Grrrrrr..... If it were not for Allison, Adam, and Scott I don't think I would contiue whatching it. Would you?


  • I don't watch it because it basically has nothing to do with the voices, it has everything to do with how good "America" is with phone voting.<br>And the judging process is fake. They pick bad singers to make fun of them, and plus ppl have to sign a contract that says that American Idol can present them on TV any way they like.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • There are other people better then Alexis, Im upset she's gone, yes it should have been the other guy. But after Adam's performance this week he needs to GO.<br><br>I think the reason the didn't save her is to put the rumors that the top 4 have been chosen to bed. To not save one, well clearly there isn't some magical top 4 list.<br><br><br>I love Danny...
  • Wheaton wrote:
    There are other people better then Alexis, Im upset she's gone, yes it should have been the other guy. But after Adam's performance this week he needs to GO.<br><br>I think the reason the didn't save her is to put the rumors that the top 4 have been chosen to bed. To not save one, well clearly there isn't some magical top 4 list.<br><br><br>I love Danny...
    <br><br>Personally, I loved Adam's performance!<br>I found it rather unique, and a wonderful way to make country music enjoyable for me :D <br>Alexis was rather good, I would have preferred Matt to leave too.
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • swear they should'a kicked adam off last night for that stupid performance of Ring of Fire
  • Adam was amazing last night~
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  • Adam was amazing last night~
    <br><br>Agreed =D
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • how was Adam amazing? his voice sounded like broken glass
  • katie2794 wrote:
    how was Adam amazing? his voice sounded like broken glass
    agreed<br><br>he butchered a classic song also.
  • I think he could have been a little bit better, but I still think he was amazing.
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  • <span style="font-size:75">Personally, I loved Adam's take on the song. But I think that Matt should have gone instead of Alexis when it came down to the two of them.</span>
  • Im not saying Adams terrible but that song was definatly not his thing when he sang the micheal jackson song that was great
  • Dreamland wrote:
    <span style="font-size:75">Personally, I loved Adam's take on the song. But I think that Matt should have gone instead of Alexis when it came down to the two of them.</span>
    <br><br>I agree But it is what is is and the best way to think is that they kicked her cuase she has a rocorded deal already:)
  • I've stopped watching because it's the same thing year after year...I try not to get caught up in pop calture nonesense, I typically agree with reina. (even though I'm here in Chicago myself)
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  • Wheaton wrote:
    katie2794 wrote:
    how was Adam amazing? his voice sounded like broken glass
    agreed<br><br>he butchered a classic song also.
    <br><br>Oh yeah, That song was butchered. The boy has a great voice, but that performance was horrible. No offense meant to anyone.<br><br>And I honestly thought Alexis did a lot better than several of the other performers. I think She had a better chance at making finals than Scott did for one. Until last week I wanted Anoop to go because he wasn't doing well with his songs. Last week i wanted him to go for being stupid and saying he wasn't surprised with the judges comments. It sounded too arrogant to me...<br><br>Honestly when it comes down to it I think the top 4 will be Danny, Adam, Allison, and maybe Kris or Matt. I think the judges chose not to use the save for Alexis because they think Allison may be voted off too soon and they may need it for her--she was in the bottom 3 last week even though she has had better performances consistently than most of the others...<br><br>Go Danny!!!
  • saved09 wrote:
    Wheaton wrote:
    katie2794 wrote:
    how was Adam amazing? his voice sounded like broken glass
    agreed<br><br>he butchered a classic song also.
    <br><br>Oh yeah, That song was butchered. The boy has a great voice, but that performance was horrible. No offense meant to anyone.<br><br>And I honestly thought Alexis did a lot better than several of the other performers. I think She had a better chance at making finals than Scott did for one. Until last week I wanted Anoop to go because he wasn't doing well with his songs. Last week i wanted him to go for being stupid and saying he wasn't surprised with the judges comments. It sounded too arrogant to me...<br><br>Honestly when it comes down to it I think the top 4 will be Danny, Adam, Allison, and maybe Kris or Matt. I think the judges chose not to use the save for Alexis because they think Allison may be voted off too soon and they may need it for her--she was in the bottom 3 last week even though she has had better performances consistently than most of the others...<br><br>Go Danny!!!
    I agree with the go danny, but I don't think we need to worry about him going any time soon xD Milwauke is gonna keep his vote number high
  • I can't belive you think he should go just because he didn't do so hot on country night? What was he supposed to do?<br><br>OBVIOUSLY, anyone could tell he is NOT a country singer, when he gets a record deal he will NOT sing country. It's not his style, if it had been punk week or rock week or alternative wek or some other kind of week you know he'd have been outstanding. Some people aren't meant to sing certain genres and so they shouldn't be forced to. I personally think it's stupid on the show's part.
  • Adam Has a great voice, I do give him credit for that, but I love Johnny Cash songs and his performance was really bad. Personally, Last week I would have rathered have Scott go because, to me, he really only does well with one style and that does not fit the purpose of the show in my opinion. I think Adam will make the top 2 in the end honestly.
  • Wheaton wrote:
    There are other people better then Alexis, Im upset she's gone, yes it should have been the other guy. <br>I love Danny...
    <br><br>Yeah I agree. After seeing how well Allison has done and seeing her be in the bottom 3 this week, I almost think they are keeping the save for her. I think they worry that she should be in the top 4, but will get voted off before others such as Anoop, Scott, and the other performers that are just not as good. Alexis was good, but there are others that would have beat her later on. If i had to guess which place i would have given her. I probably would have given her 5 or 6, but not in the top 2.
  • katie2794 wrote:
    how was Adam amazing? his voice sounded like broken glass
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">People have their own opinions; just because you don't like his voice it doesn't mean other people can't. <br><br>Anyway. I don't even watch the people sing much anymore. I just wait until the last few rounds so I don't die when someone gets kicked off or get mad. Personally, Adam and Danny are my all-time favorites. They're both awesome. Because I still do watch sometimes. <br><br>I agree with Parker. ;D <br><br><br>PS: Adam was great at Ring of Fire, but don't attack me for this, because I am entitled to my own opinion. :D</span>
  • I actually thought Adam was quite interesting. I am a huge Johnny Cash fan, my grandparents got me into the classic music. But his take on it was actually, pretty good. I'm in Canada, and our idol isn't anymore, so I have resorted to American Idol (have watched every season), just because I don't have a lie x_X<br><br>Danny and Adam are also my favourites ^_^
  • i think that ether lil or Allison are going to win becuse it's is suposed to be a girl that wins this year...right?
  • Nala wrote:
    i think that ether lil or Allison are going to win becuse it's is suposed to be a girl that wins this year...right?
    there is not pattern for winners it could be a boy or a girl. I dont think there are enough girls through this year for it to end up being a girl :/
  • I refuse to get caught up in all that mumbo jumbo.<br>I haven't watched it since they stopped moving to different cities/states, etc., because that's the only point it's interesting--hearing a VERY wide range of voices and people's stories.<br><br>I'm so not into the whole music idol thing that I didn't even know my own country (Canada)'s idol was gone. xD I like listening to their music once it's all over since it's normally all their own style...
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