If you have a free account, then you are what is considered a novice. I am going to be blunt here, novice training is not usually wanted by serious players. This is not your fault, it is simply that a novice kennel is not able to train dogs as fast or get stats as high as a sponsor kennel with the training specialty can.<br><br>As a novice trainer, you can get stats up to 100, but that is pretty much it. You cannot raise the aggression stat at all. But don’t give up, you may not be able to train as well as a sponsor, but novice training does have its benefits. Many other novice players that are unable to afford the higher prices of sponsor trainings will look to a good novice trainer to get their dogs trained. The better a dog is trained, the better it’s puppies will be. <br><br>So, if you can’t afford a sponsor trainer, here is the guide to training your own dogs, or becoming a novice trainer for the public, and maybe even earning VP cash.<br><br>First, I will explain the terms for you. Skills are Discipline, Show, Sport, and Work. You can have a maximum of 280 points between all 4 skills. You could try to get the same amount in each, but as these skills determine how well a dog does in events, it is better to choose only certain ones.<br><br>Most events need discipline, so I recommend that you always start with that and fill up the bar with the full 100 points you can put there.<br><br>That leaves 180 points left. Depending on the breed of dog, what kind of events you want to do, or what the owner asks, the next step is to fill up one of the other skill bars to its max of 100 points. That leaves 80 points, you don’t have to use them, but if you wish you can put them in one of the other 2 bars. I recommend putting them all into the same skill for the best benefit.<br><br>So when you are done skill training, your dog will usually have 2 full skills, and 1 skill at 80. <br><br>The next step is stat maxing. Sponsors have it easy here, they can just groom and all stats will go up. But you as a novice have a bit more of a challenge. When you begin training a dog, the training options are limited. But as you train, you will notice that more become available. Each training option affects certain stats on the dog. Stats are in the box on the side. Friendliness, Aggression, Loyalty, Speed, and so on. There are a total of 10 stats,<br><br>Remember, as a novice, a stat max for you is 100 points in each stat, except aggression, or as we call it, aggro. Like I said earlier, you won’t be able to raise aggro at all. But be sure to ask the owner if they want it lowered or not. If they do, you will use friendly play to lower it, or rough house to keep it the same. Friendly play (fp) or rough house (rh) are used when the dogs mood gets to low to train it anymore.<br><br>Endurance determines how many trainings you can get from each dog before it runs out of energy. The trick here it to train a dog as many times as you can WITHOUT using up all of the energy. If you use it all up, the dog becomes exhausted, condition goes down and a penalty is taken from loyalty. This is not good. So while you are training, try very, very hard never to exhaust. I can’t give a set amount of how many training things you can do each turn, it depends on what training you are doing and the endurance points of the dog. Well, I think I covered the basics, so now you have a good idea of novice training.<br><br>Remember how I said each training option raises certain stats? Here is a handy guide of which training options to use for each stat, and which ones are for each skill. If it raises a stat, the box has xxxx in it. The training options are grouped by which skill they raise. If the training option has an effect on mood, it is noted as (--Mood) if it lowers it, or (++ Mood) if it raises it. FP or RH both raise mood, but nothing else for a novice, so I didn’t include the play training options in the chart.<br><br><img src="
http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m300/kiriothdragon/Stattraining.jpg" alt="
http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m300/kiriothdragon/Stattraining.jpg" class="bb-image" />
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I Keith Urban!
My Main Kennel- http://virtualpups.com/viewkennel.php?kennel=337314