in july of 2008, my mother orderd 21 chickens. we raised them, ending up with 2 roosters and 19 hens. now they are fully grown and some lay green eggs
:shock:. <br><br>well, last night, i went to go give them thier treats, leftover bread from the night before, and ya, they where happy. two hens where in the nesting boxxes laying eggs. Bull and Shadow (our roosters) where pecking at the bread, whene bull grabs a big piece and jumps up to a hen in the nesting box, looks at her and drops the bread on perpus. then he hopped down to get anthor for himself.<br> i wonder if chickens care about others :? <br><br><br>last month i was sitting in the coop ealy in the morning, waching the chickens. then the coop door opened. at first i thout it was the wind but whene i got up, a huge fox leaped into the coop. it tryed to grab a owlet (a hen), but Shadow leaped at it with his sper. then bull atacked. the fox was driven away. i was left breathless. <br> do you thing they attaked the fox for their own safety, or for others?<br><br>early this morning, i went to go and get the eggs. i was early so i disided to sit and wach the hens. chicken little, (another hen) was aggresavly attacking the other chickens that where in the nesting box. she hopped in every nesting box. at first i did not know what she was doing, but then i relized that she might be looking for her egg. i put an egg in a box, and sher unf, she found it and sat down on it. she pecked me when i tryed to go near her, so i had to distract her with some scrachcorn. that worked.<br> i did not know chickens care much about thier eggs, iv neaver had problems before.<br><br><br><br> what do you think?