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edited March 2009 in General Discussion
So I'm a new member, only a few days old (XD) but I knew I had to get an upgrade as soon as I saw how addictive the novice account is. :)<br><br>Having looked around the forums I know I could be in for a wait until the upgrade actually goes through (everyone gets busy after all!), so in the mean time I would really like to get to know some people here while I potter about!<br><br>So to get things rolling a bit....<br><br>I'm Kleio, 23 years old and very happy to be here. <br><br>And here's a topic!<br>What is the one thing you wish someone had told you when you first joined VP? <br><br>:D<br><br>x


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Hi there! I'm BobCat but people on here have several nicknames for me<br>as I'm sure you'll probably see on some posts... lol :lol: <br>You can message me anytime as sometimes when I'm on here, I get bored..<br>One thing I wish people told me when I first joined is Myspace layouts look<br>crappy on a person's page... :lol: Thats all I used to put on my kennels, that and some icons... Ok, a lot of icons :roll: </span></span>
  • Aw hello!<br><br>(:<br><br>I'm Angel :D or DogHandler :P <br>I'm usually on when no-one else is on because of the stupid time zone in england >.<<br><br>I wish someone would have told me not to overwork a dog so loyalty goes down and ruins the dog :roll:<br><br>Welcome! And, i'm always here if you need help! Well, it's VP, so everyone is here if you need help! :) Have fun!
    ((: ... anqel'
  • Atleast you were brave enough to try making it look nice, BobCat! I wouldn't really know where to start. @_@ But I shall remember that- no myspace layouts :wink: a handy tip! x<br><br>Hey Angel *wave* You've been really handy in replying already- I'm from England too! Rubbish timezones alright. Yes, thank god I came across that in the forums- I've done it several times already and it must have gone down by 4/5 each time! x
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Hehe, it really makes a person look un-professional is what I want to call it, <br>though, if one likes how it looks, by all means, they have the right to put it up and I won't say a thing.... lol</span></span> :lol:
  • Yeah I've seen a couple already, a few with bright flashing things on that nearly blinded me! And I couldn't read any of the text because the bg was too bright- very off putting @_@ <br><br>Ooooooo I'm so excited about getting all those turns with my sponsorship. I really can't put my finger on why the stats and everything are so addictive!
  • Lol, and its raining x_x again.<br><br>And yeah, myspace layouts really are silly.<br>Glittergraphics are really just pure evil :evil: ergh.<br><br>:lol: Can't beat html :lol:<br><br>Congrats with the sponsor! :D
    ((: ... anqel'
  • Thankies! yeah I felt guilty for buying it, cos I'm meant to be saving money... but then I justified it by thinking that its not that much over the course of a year! And also the educational (AND FUN) value of it. So yeah, can't wait for it to come through!<br><br>Speaking of rain, we have some ominous clouds lurking overhead. No kite flying today :(
  • Mhm rain sucks ;[<br><br>and you learn a lot from VP! :lol: I can see a dog and immediatly know what breed it is in rl now xD lmao.<br><br>Its quite good! :lol:
    ((: ... anqel'
  • That could be pretty handy- I might end up working with dogs after I graduate from uni, so theres a perfect excuse to brush up on my limited knowledge XD
  • Yeah, true.<br><br>Dogs are cool x3<br><br>But I've always thought what a cat version of VP would be like.. 8)
    ((: ... anqel'
  • Don't get me started with cats- I love them too! Back home we have four cats, although I only really own two. And two guniea pigs. I miss them T_T But I get to see them this weekend, I'm going home for a week.
  • Aww! If you go crusing in the Pet photos thread, near the bottom of the forum, you'll see some of mine, apart from one which I dont have pics of ._.<br><br>Zoo much?!
    ((: ... anqel'
  • we have dogs and fish too ^.^ My mum gets sick of it, but then as soon as she starts looking at pets she wants one! Me and my sis are lucky she's so tolerant (she loves them really hahah). My dream is to one day have a decent job so I can have my own place! Then I can have them living with me! Years away though I think. I'm going to check out that section! :>
  • Lol I don't like fishh =P<br><br>Eww. Got a parrot though :D haha.<br><br>not the same really, but oh well.<br><br>cool (:
    ((: ... anqel'
  • yeah I'm not much of a fish person either, but my sister loves them :> I saw the pics! Beautiful bird ^_^
  • Nah, he eats fingers >[ It is <span style="font-weight:bold">painful</span>.<br><br>With that wonderfully sharp beak of his. I say his, dunno if 'he's' a boy or a girl, but he/she is called Oscar :P lol
    ((: ... anqel'
  • The only way I know to give an indication of sex is whether they favour boys or girls in the household. I heard that girls get really jealous- my friend has the same breed of bird and its a girl, it goes mental if her mum talks to her dad, because the bird thinks he's her partner! @_@ crazy!
  • Well Oscar kind of likes males. He bites me, but does some sort of mating ritual to my brother O.O<br><br>He gets all weird.. making ridiculous noises whenever he's in the room or something...<br>and dancing. :lol: Pretty, uh, weird.<br><br>But he hates me, definately. <br><br>Or maybe I should say she now :lol:<br><br>lmfao.
    ((: ... anqel'
  • yeah I really think you might be able to! XD Stranger things have happened @_@<;br><br>Yay my upgrade came through! *dances*
  • Hello, Kleio! Tina luffles new forum members *hugglegleeglompsquishes*. My baby is a big, two-year-old Flat Coated Retriever. You should see him go into what I call 'hyperspasm', which occurs once or twice a day for about five minutes. 0.o He literally laps the house about fifteen times and jumps off the walls at each bend. XD<br><br>The greatest thing I wish someone told me not to do? Not to breed, and rebreed, and breed again, a bazillion untrained dogs. :x
  • Hellllllllo!! *hug*<br><br>That's a good tip- the temptation to breed straight away is pretty powerful! But I'm waiting until I've got my daddy pup fully trained (mum is waiting hahaha). Yay for free turns! Makes things so much easier @_@ x
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