My parents don't trust me.. I don't know why.<br><br>Like.. ever since the incident with Frank, they always say stuff like:<br>"You are drifting away."<br>"I wish you were the old Daughter I used to know."<br>"You need to open up."<br><br>Just because I like to hang out with my friends a lot and listen to music half my life.. they think I'm completely different. When, I'm right here, right now. They never bother to invite me to do things and when I go and ask they yell at me and say.. "NO I'M BUSY.".. when they are the ones saying I <span style="font-style:italic">never</span> want to spend time with them. When.. I always do. They just never can. Even on Saturdays, they are somewhere. My dad is usually off Dirtbike riding, even when that is my most favorite thing to do besides shopping. I ask my mom to just come and watch tv, she is sleeping or with my dad. My brother, don wanna get started where he is. But they say I'm turning into someone else. When I am right here, right now. Also, they are always talking to me about all the bad things I have ever done bringing me down. I have lost most of my friends because I'm always sad at what my parents think of me. Which brings me back to my question, am <span style="font-style:italic">I</span> changing.. or is it my <span style="font-style:italic">parents</span>?
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .

love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
Semper Fi.
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. ;]