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Young's Newest Mates

Tarnish: Oh boy. Where to start? Ha-ha. You were once a pet, and you're my RPG partner, everlasting buddy, and sometimes vent listener (extra Kudos for you!). You've always been there through the worst (Which hasn't happened yet! :D) and the best (all the time). So... Take cheese and give it to something old! <3<br><br>Nutty: Of course, you sold me cheap dyes. We've talked about Xbox games, and nudged me to get XboxLIVE (totally going to get it next month)! You're a fun person to talk to, and always have some wicked comment to a situation! :] Glad to have met you!<br><br>Tara: Mum... She's anciet, older than dirt, had a pet Dinosaur, and she doesn't like pink. She always accepted me even though I'm insane. You know how I'm her child, besides that I'm insane? I was left at Wal-Mart, they wanted to rid me so they said they would pay someone to take me. That's where mom got me, and got paid, then shipped me to distant place. Cause really, if you get more than one insane person in one place... Something is bound to happen! I <3 my mum<br><br>Nickel: We've played Monopoly, and you've helped me alot with my writing. Even though it was just editting some of my writing, it counts as alot! Anywho, Nickel is oddly not insane. And one of the most determined person to prove that they're not insane. Also a survivor on Sims2 (more credit to Tarnish)! This mate needs more appaluase for their hard work xD!<br><br>Kimmeh: Random, tag team to scaring away people from chat. What can't we do? Probably attract people to chat o-O, but we'd never do that. I believe we could scare everyone from chat if we thought of a good enough plan!<br><br>Evy: Art! Art! Adoptables! And more Art! I seriously love your pure dedication to it. :shock: I would've died long time ago, so good job! You're also fun to talk to and enjoy your sly remarks or cool Arctic Dragons ;D! <br><br>Dusty: She's my squishy, a good squishy, only my squishy, and the only squishy. Much can be say about mah Dusty! And sorry dusty, I left pepsi long ago! D: It is 7UP Now <3! Besides that, Dusty has been mah buddy since I was a wee noob! XD<br><br>Buffy: She wants arts, and boosts my ego at the right times! Someone has to do the dirty job of that xD! But I'm always happy to supply art to her, even if it isn't so great :wink:! I <3 mah buffeh! Too bad she doesn't slay vampires on Chat... :roll: <br><br> That's who I can only think of on the top of my head! If not on here, give me a pepsi and I'll add more! *evil giggle*
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."


  • Wee~ I love our RPGs and talking to you. You're so fun! *spins around* Oh and you're a triangle lover. That helps ^-^ We get along like..*thinks of a simile* Hell I can't think of one. No one does it better. ;D I don't think we have ever been in a fight either! That could be a good or bad thing..xD If we did..I have a feeling it would last like 2min. *high fives* I am extremely hyper. and this reminds me that I have to do one of these myself! I feel like I am spluttering random things..*gnaws on hotdog* I should see how many rpg pages we have. I also realized I gotta post..eep! Triangles plague me! I will have some supa awesome posty thing for being late. So you will get 2!! The second will be with the characters but unrelated to the certain moment in the plot now. I gotta think of what it is. It will come to me though!!! ^-^ Sparkles! xD
  • lmao, you need a tic-tac to calm down xD!
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • A tic tac? How does that calm me down!!! er ?? xDD I am omg! xD Does my breath stink!?! :O meanie! xD I only eat the dark green tic tacs or the orange ones..maybe the white. xD too many laughy faces *di-no wait! I am like woohhh! xDD
  • lmao young you should be able to pick out which one is you if you remember the cheap dyes. you've been mia from my vp life for the longest! are you realllly getting xbox live next month? you must! pm me your gamertag!
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • I will when I can :D Hopefully it will be soon, so get your gamer face on! :D
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • never take it off... it's like this :twisted:
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • *cough* Ish Dusty? *cough*<br><br>*hands you pepsi* :D
  • :O I did so not have a pet dinosaur! And I'm pretty sure dirt is older than me *hugs*.
  • O.o What about the evil Buffy who slaves you to DEATH on art?<br>lol
  • haha tara is slow. This post was practically a month ago. :3
  • xD I added Dusty and Buffeh!
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • And pepper for joining your RP? xD No. Jk.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • xD Thanks. I dont try hard to prove Im not insane - Im just not insane, it comes naturally :lol: <br>*snuggles Ulqui*<br><br><br>Pfft >.> I didnt really help with editing your work though xD Im lazy and did like, a paragraph. 8) <br><br>But thanks :P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • xD I am a squishy! And I must agree, 7UP is 897689 times better than Pepsi ^_^ Well, I'm a Mountain Dew freak xD *huggles you*
  • Pfft, I not there. D;<br>But tis ok. :D
  • Kimmeh: Random, tag team to scaring away people from chat. What can't we do? Probably attract people to chat o-O, but we'd never do that. I believe we could scare everyone from chat if we thought of a good enough plan!
    <br><br>o.o I don't scare people. xD They're scared of me. hehe *runs off laughing*
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
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