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>.> Alright, alright.

I've been bugged a million times about this xD<br><br>I have some pictures to share :3<br><br><img src=" Pictures/Copyofludi.jpg&quot; alt=" Pictures/Copyofludi.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br>This here is Ludi (AKA Ludwig)<br>He was one of our biggest winning show quality Bernese Mountain Dogs, that<br>we've ever owned (out of 23 owned).<br>This picture was taken in November of 2002, which was about a year and a<br>half before he died of cancer.<br>His diagnosis was sudden and his death a real tragedy. But Ludi produced<br>over 10 champion Bernese Mountain Dogs who are still all happy and healthy :D<br>He was 5 years old when he died.<br><br>Please do not steal this picture or use it for anything :)<br><br>Moving on...<br><br>This was Echo when we first got her. She was, I believe, almost 8 weeks in these pictures. (excuse the blurry-ness. had to resize Dx)<br><br><img src=" Dogs/echonewpup2-1.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/echonewpup2-1.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/echonewpup-1.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/echonewpup-1.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br>She is now almost 3 years old : ) She also just had her first litter, which are all at their new homes now ^_^<br><br>Here is Ty<br><img src=" Dogs/ty1.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/ty1.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Ty was our first dog to ever be hit by a car :( He was almost 4 when that happened.<br><br>Zeus:<br><img src=" Dogs/zeus-1.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/zeus-1.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Here are some more pictures xD I dunno why they're so tiny, but I found em' lying around in my old PB account.<br><br><img src=" Dogs/zeuspup2.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/zeuspup2.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/zeuspup.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/zeuspup.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/tobypup1.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/tobypup1.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/tobypup2.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/tobypup2.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/tobypup3.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/tobypup3.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Razzle:<br><img src=" Dogs/razzle1.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/razzle1.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/razzle2.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/razzle2.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Dazzle:<br><img src=" Dogs/dazzle1.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/dazzle1.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Dazzle/Mason litter of 2006<br><img src=" Dogs/octoberlitter.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/octoberlitter.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br><img src=" Dogs/dazzlepup.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/dazzlepup.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/dazzlepup2.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/dazzlepup2.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=" Dogs/dazzlepuppy3.jpg&quot; alt=" Dogs/dazzlepuppy3.jpg&quot; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>So thats it :)<br>Sorry about the small pictures again xD


  • Aww Moony! Soo jealous dear. Lovely pups. Anyways, just had to comment.
  • awww! you breed and show? <--- so jelous >.<
  • What adorable dogs. Congrats on their champion status! :)<br><br>I work for a large pet hotel/doggie daycare where I have seen only 3 dogs of that breed come in; and they all have been extremely sweet. One is so person devoted, that she snaps at any dog that comes near her and the person she's protecting.
    My dog in real life on the front page of a local magazine. :)
  • MOONY I LOVE YOUR BMDS!!! OMG!!!<br><br>-slobbers and drools over the all!-<br>ahhh!<br><br>>;] We should meet up sometime! I can bring my friend's BMD & my Great Pyrenees!! AHHHA!!!<br><br>SO PURTY. -snuggles- If I could fit them all into my car, I would. But unfortunately, I think I might have to borrow a Semi to get them down here x.x. And to add on top of that, I dont think Semis are very inconspicuous. <br><br>-croons over them all & pets- >:[ I want one.
  • Ahhhh, I love Berners!<br>:3<br><br>I have a puppy of my own; Titan.<br>He's turning one this year on March 12th.<br>-so excited!-<br>And we're beginning to show him since the breeder luffs him so much...yay!<br>I hope once I'm old enough I can be his handler, since he knows me and doesn't know the other lady that handles him...:/
    **If I win anything, please PM me.
  • snowjo wrote:
    <br>Aww Moony! Soo jealous dear. Lovely pups. Anyways, just had to comment.
    <br>Thanketh<33 :D<br><br>
    awww! you breed and show? <--- so jelous >.<
    <br>xD yep.<br>why jealous? XD<br><br>
    rbaid161 wrote:
    What adorable dogs. Congrats on their champion status! Smile<br><br>I work for a large pet hotel/doggie daycare where I have seen only 3 dogs of that breed come in; and they all have been extremely sweet. One is so person devoted, that she snaps at any dog that comes near her and the person she's protecting.
    <br><br>Oh yes, they are very loyal and protective dogs. Especially of children ;)<br>They have a wonderful temperament :)<br><br>
    SandPiper wrote:
    MOONY I LOVE YOUR BMDS!!! OMG!!!<br><br>-slobbers and drools over the all!-<br>ahhh!<br><br>>;] We should meet up sometime! I can bring my friend's BMD & my Great Pyrenees!! AHHHA!!!<br><br>SO PURTY. -snuggles- If I could fit them all into my car, I would. But unfortunately, I think I might have to borrow a Semi to get them down here x.x. And to add on top of that, I dont think Semis are very inconspicuous.<br><br>-croons over them all & pets- >:[ I want one.
    <br><br>XD Nope, don't think a semi would allow you to 'sneak' them :P<br><br>
    Ahhhh, I love Berners!<br>:3<br><br>I have a puppy of my own; Titan.<br>He's turning one this year on March 12th.<br>-so excited!-<br>And we're beginning to show him since the breeder luffs him so much...yay!<br>I hope once I'm old enough I can be his handler, since he knows me and doesn't know the other lady that handles him...:/
    <br><br>If you live in the U.S and your Berner is AKC, then you can show him yourself as long as your 9 years++ ;D<br>So much comes out of showing your own dogs :D let me tell ya...
  • Gorgeous dogs :)
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Moonlight wrote:
    Ahhhh, I love Berners!<br>:3<br><br>I have a puppy of my own; Titan.<br>He's turning one this year on March 12th.<br>-so excited!-<br>And we're beginning to show him since the breeder luffs him so much...yay!<br>I hope once I'm old enough I can be his handler, since he knows me and doesn't know the other lady that handles him...:/
    <br><br>If you live in the U.S and your Berner is AKC, then you can show him yourself as long as your 9 years++ ;D<br>So much comes out of showing your own dogs :D let me tell ya...
    <br><br>Nah, I live in Canada, so he's CKC reg'd. And there's this 'Junior Handler' thing, but they judge YOU, not the dog. Like what? I want SHOW my dog. haha. :P
    **If I win anything, please PM me.
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