<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">Ok so when a family membered died about 3 weeks ago, my whole family was down and stuck.<br>My mom, every now-and-then, stops by the pound just to look and to say hello to the puppies.<br>Well, Valentines day was coming up and she got this idea....
<br><br>She went to the pound and saw Boni!<br>Boni is a one year old Basset Hound. Pure Bred!<br>Someone had just abandoned her on the streets...
<br>So my mom walked her a little and played with her and fell in love...<br>And so did Boni!<br><br>She brought us back later (2 days later) and showed us her...<br>Boni was barking and wagging her tail and rolling over on her belly like<br>she couldn't believe my mom was back! It was soooo cute!
<br><br>So after that, we just had to get her. The lady that worked at the counter told<br>my mom that she remembered you and missed you... lol <br>It was meant to be
</span></span><br><br><img src="
http://i40.tinypic.com/2ezgtwz.jpg" alt="
http://i40.tinypic.com/2ezgtwz.jpg" class="bb-image" />
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t