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Sponsor Kennels for Auction!

edited February 2009 in Auction
Title says it all. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Auction #1</span><br>Kennel Link- <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Expire Date- 2/1/2010 <br>Imports- 0<br>Changes- 3<br>Haven't picked a type yet. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Auction #2</span><br>sorry didn't notice my breeding kennel got downgraded<br>so only auctioning off one kennel. ;-;<br><br>SB- 10 Mill<br>BIN- ? <br><br>These are two seperate auctions. ;D<br>I accept VPC and Grooming per years. Most of my dogs are needing to be groomed for 10 years.<br>Now I refuse to give you the kennel before the grooming is done if you bid with grooming. Just an fyi. ;D


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