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I'm new to VP. I just started today actually. I have some pretty good dogs. They are 8x4's(learned that today XD) and I was just wondering how to pu them in shows and stuff. I'm like puddy in your hands, show me the right way to go XD.<br><br>I'm very random and weird. I've made 2 friends. *Chippy-Baby<3* and Silverleaf. They both were nice to me and helped me out a bit.<br><br>Does anyone know where I can get a cheap banner around here? I have like $140,000, but all the banners are in the millions or over $100,000. Thanks.<br><br>Cookies to all *passes box of Oreos around VP*


  • Welcome to VP, SolarEclipse!<br><br>Look at Bark Park and someone is usually advertising an event of some sort. <br>Just go to their kennel page and there will be a link to some of their events. <br><br>I dunno about the cheap banner thing. People work hard on the banners they make, so I think it's reasonable that they're in the millions. It's their time and energy spent to make those things. <br><br>It isn't that hard to make VPC, though, eventing gives you a lot from what I experienced. <br><br>But I don't know if I would really know how hard it is xD. I cheat at making money by selling art. I have 19mil just from that xDDD.
  • Hiya, Im Cybe :] may I have the honor of being your 3rd friend? I would offer to help but I don't play the game much. Im more of a forum/chat person. Welcome to Vp ^.^ Feel free to give me a nickname, if you like. Everyone else does.
  • *takes cookies and protects with arms, then eats one* Ohh, yeas. You're going to fit in perfectly. I'm ILoveSnt.Bernads, I've already talked to you. :D Pm me for a free banner to put in your siggy.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    Hiya, Im Cybe :] may I have the honor of being your 3rd friend? I would offer to help but I don't play the game much. Im more of a forum/chat person. Welcome to Vp ^.^ Feel free to give me a nickname, if you like. Everyone else does.
    <br><br>CYVE!<br>-eat-<br>Haven't talked to you in a while <33 IM me some time :D<br><br><br>Anyhow, I'm Kaytee. Welcome to VP ^_^<br><br>-goes back to Rise Against-
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    Hiya, Im Cybe :] may I have the honor of being your 3rd friend? I would offer to help but I don't play the game much. Im more of a forum/chat person. Welcome to Vp ^.^ Feel free to give me a nickname, if you like. Everyone else does.
    <br><br>Yes, you may be my 3rd friend. =)<br><br>Thank-you everyone for the warm welcomes. =)<br><br>Pepper- yes, we have talked already XD And I'm PMing you... not yet...not yet... NOW! haha
  • I love your banner Sunny =) It's cute.
  • Welcome!<br><br>I joined not too long ago as well... I came from VHR to try the puppy version, and now I play both! (But I'm on the VP forums more than teh VHR forums.)<br><br>I know, graphics are pricy, but I make my own, so I'm on the recieving end of that spectrum. XD<br><br>Anyways, I hope you enjoy VP!
  • Ebony wrote:
    Welcome!<br><br>I joined not too long ago as well... I came from VHR to try the puppy version, and now I play both! (But I'm on the VP forums more than teh VHR forums.)<br><br>I know, graphics are pricy, but I make my own, so I'm on the recieving end of that spectrum. XD<br><br>Anyways, I hope you enjoy VP!
    <br><br>I just came from VHR, too. =) I'm making graphics too, but I want to work on my dogs before I actually start selling them. XD
  • Welcome to VP! I'm Nicky. I have been playing VP for three years. Today I have changed to a sponsor training kennel, so if you would like a free training I would gladly give you one to help you get on your feet. I hope you have a good time on VP! :D *grabs a cookie and walks out*
  • Ebony wrote:
    Welcome!<br><br>I joined not too long ago as well... I came from VHR to try the puppy version, and now I play both! (But I'm on the VP forums more than teh VHR forums.)<br><br>I know, graphics are pricy, but I make my own, so I'm on the recieving end of that spectrum. XD<br><br>Anyways, I hope you enjoy VP!
    <br><br>I just came from VHR, too. =) I'm making graphics too, but I want to work on my dogs before I actually start selling them. XD
    <br><br>Cool! Whats your VHR name? My VP is Ebony <3 and my VHR is Ebony (I'm the only sponsor Ebony there, but I'm on private, you can't see me anyways!)<br><br>Ah, I've been doing a little bit of both. <br><br>Graphics does get your money up quick though.... I'm over 1 mill right now, just by competing my confy goldens and selling pixels and one animation.
  • Ebony wrote:
    Ebony wrote:
    Welcome!<br><br>I joined not too long ago as well... I came from VHR to try the puppy version, and now I play both! (But I'm on the VP forums more than teh VHR forums.)<br><br>I know, graphics are pricy, but I make my own, so I'm on the recieving end of that spectrum. XD<br><br>Anyways, I hope you enjoy VP!
    <br><br>I just came from VHR, too. =) I'm making graphics too, but I want to work on my dogs before I actually start selling them. XD
    <br><br>Cool! Whats your VHR name? My VP is Ebony <3 and my VHR is Ebony (I'm the only sponsor Ebony there, but I'm on private, you can't see me anyways!)<br><br>Ah, I've been doing a little bit of both. <br><br>Graphics does get your money up quick though.... I'm over 1 mill right now, just by competing my confy goldens and selling pixels and one animation.
    <br><br>I'm Crystal Sky on the forums and *~Winnie Willis~* in-game. I've tried dogs before, they're okay, I just need to work on proportions lol. I always make something either too big or too small. XD I'm a novice on both games, but ever since I started VHR I wanted a Sponsor to help novices train, because I've been a novice for about 3 years on VHR and I stuggle with money by getting my horses trained(and buying too much banners/photo manips XD)
  • Heya Im Wheaton, Im Wheaton on vhr forums also, and ingame im Emily K <.<
  • Hiya! :lol: Tina ish wanting another buddy, too. *chews cookies* Especially one that gives out cookies!!!!!!!!<br><br>And I'll PM you about banners and stuff. I can help you make your own, if you'd like!
  • I do love cookies, and for that you can have a free banner from me!
  • Already gots a banner by me. I just finitod. Here is the styles:<br>1. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 97/bf1.jpg</a><br>2. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 97/bf2.jpg</a><br>3. <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 97/bf3.jpg</a><br>I proud.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • If you still want a banner, I can do one for you, or a layout if you like. pm me! =]<br><br>I'm steph/Fuzwig, nice to see you here
  • Thank-you all. You have all been so welcoming. *passes around a jug of milk to wash down the cookies*<br><br>Fuzwig, what do your layouts look like? And how much do they cost? lol
  • Welcome, Solar! I'm Reina... I can make you a banner if you'd like, for free, and help you earn some cash! :)<br>PM me anytime!
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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