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once again, "chat speak"

edited January 2009 in Vent
well this isn't necessarily chat speak as much as people who think they sound cool using dumb incorrect grammar.<br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Mi</span> and<span style="font-weight:bold"> MY</span> have the same amount of letters, so why even write mi?<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Yooh</span> has more letters than <span style="font-weight:bold">You</span>, thus making you take more time to write out the word.<br>My list can go on and on forever.



  • I say meh for the laughs<br>and ish for le' laughs<br>and heh heh for the laughs...<br><br>But when people say stuff like<br>yur so kewl. lol, i dun even kar about yu.<br>And stuff like that, it drives me insaine.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • hahaha I was about to write a vent about MY and MI. wtfbbq is that all about?! how bloody hard is it to switch the blithering I for a Y?! oi. it's absobloodylutely ridiculous!

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    I say meh for the laughs<br>and ish for le' laughs<br>and heh heh for the laughs...<br><br>But when people say stuff like<br>yur so kewl. lol, i dun even kar about yu.<br>And stuff like that, it drives me insaine.
    <br><br><br>Well yeah, but were not trying to sound dumb by saying meh' and stuff.<br>A lot of people on VP do that, its like a custom ^^<br>Because were odd, but not because we want to sound cool. <br><br>and yes, mi and my get on my nervessss

  • Meh has a double meaning for me, it depends on context.<br><br>"I drew meh pony today" is one example where "Meh" means me, and "Meh, its ok" in an example where "Meh" means 'I'm indifferent', or 'no preference' (Or something along those lines)<br><br>But ya, sometimes chtspk (:lol:), is like, dumb. Mi=me is one of the more pronmiant examples
  • Mi: Spanish for <span style="font-style:italic">my</span><br>ex: Mi madre said Holland could sleep over this weekend :]<br><br>U: You has three letters. Why just use one?<br>y: why has three letters<br>ur: your has four letters<br>b-lieve well you just took out the e o.o;<br><br>I can go on and on >_>
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • My eternal logic for this is "If you're too damned lazy to type out the extra TWO letters in a word, you're too damned lazy to carry on a conversation with much more than your bedroom wall."
  • Kazuko wrote:
    My eternal logic for this is "If you're too damned lazy to type out the extra TWO letters in a word, you're too damned lazy to carry on a conversation with much more than your bedroom wall."
    <br><br>Exactly. Point proven.<br>Lmao :D<br>If your too lazy to type out a word you don't fit in with the normal people in society.<br>(normal.. hehe) :D

  • I personally don't really use it,but what is different about someone using mi,and someone using these made up words that are used on here,they truely think these words are cool,but others have no idea what in world you are talking about,if you don't like it,dont be apart of it with your own slang talk :roll:

  • what i hate more than chatspeak is when people type and don't reread, so they forget complete words out of their sentence. like... "oh i love banner! can you me one?" or add extra words... "oh i love your the banner!"<br><br>everyone does it but those that consistenly do it make it seem like english is their 3rd language. it makes for a funny read though.
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • Yeah, most of the stuffs pure laziness.<br><br>and basically, for all of you who are saying<br>"Oh well VP has its own dumb language"<br>Our language is complex, we add letters. But we don't sound like idiots.<br>It takes time to master the VP language, but it doesn't take time to master chat speak, which is for lazy people.

  • teddybears wrote:
    I personally don't really use it,but what is different about someone using mi,and someone using these made up words that are used on here,they truely think these words are cool,but others have no idea what in world you are talking about,if you don't like it,dont be apart of it with your own slang talk :roll:
    <br><br>Also, you're supposed to have spaces after punctuation such as commas, periods, exclamation points, ect ect.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Punctuation mess ups don't really bother me too much because I'm pretty bad at that myself. I do try to type with correct punctuation and grammar but sometimes I fail. Netspeak/chatspeak makes me insane LOL. I don't even try to translate it any more I just don't pay attention to people who use it. I'd have to say my biggest pet peeve other than netspeak would be the correct use of "your" and "you're".
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