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<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">I think a break from here is needed.<br>It's hard to explain..<br>But, I think some time away will fix what's bugging me.<br><br>I'm not really going to disappear. o.0<br>But.. I might for a little while, maybe.<br><br>What's gonna happen is, I'll be on chat and the forums a lot less.<br>I'll be on the weekends and such probably, mostly at night.<br>And.. I'll be on the game to train hopefully. Now that exams are out of the way, I'll have more time.<br>I might be on chat weekdays at night, in fact, I probably will be.<br><br>I'll be active with midnights, for all the people who are in on that.<br>And if you need me, pm me here, I'll be on to check those once every day or two days.<br>Or, ask Sandy or Liz.<br>They can reach me on yahoo.<br><br>Oh! Anyone who has that and wants to keep in touch with me, just add me xD<br><br>And if I owe anyone anything, please say so. o.o;<br>There's probably some things I've forgotten to do.<br><br>So basically, I don't know how.. major my break will be.<br>But now that I've posted this, I'll stick around for a bit to answer any replies to it, but it'll be nice to not feel the need that I have to be on.<br><br>How long will this last?<br>No idea.<br>I don't know how long I need this,<br>I'm not even sure how much time will be taken off per day.<br><br>I used to spend at least around 3 hours on daily though, but.. less now.<br>Maybe an hour at the most.<br>Excluding weekends probably. lmao<br><br>So, basically I'm gonna be on a lot less.<br>Could be only for a week, maybe a few months.<br><br>Please post anything I need to take care of. <3</span></span>
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)


  • I lubbers you Horse ;]<br><br>take as much time as you need
    I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
  • Imma miss you, snad one ;_;<br><br><span style="color:red">*runs away*</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">ILY too Grape <3<br><br>Dusty!<br>I sent a request on yahoo yesterday xD<br>Or.. the day before. o.o<br>Not sure!<br>If you accept we can still talk. x3</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • Ily, Snookly. Have fun on your break. Take good care of Alfred! xD
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Come back soon! =D</span></span>
  • Haha. I've been coming on less and less now, and I don't really post on the forums as much. A lot of times I'm logged on to see what's new with people, but otherwise I don't post much myself anymore. =D It's good. And I'm glad I got yahoo so I lose my addiction to VP. I come on chat less and less too. o.o So...yeah. If you need to reach me talk to me on yahoo as tacokins and give me your name so I'm aware of who you are. xD
  • Aww *huggles Horsie* Breaks can be a good thing. I'm sure I'll see you in chat once in a while since I am there almost every night :D
  • Horse! I must YIM you.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
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