Lucky.<br><br>Yesturday, it was -35C to -40C all day long, and today i was warmer, but still -25C to -30C.<br><br>Which isn't good, becuase alot of people are walking because of the OC transpo bus strike. There were a bunch of people who got frostbite.
<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Aww, that sucks. <br>Without the buses, I'd die. o.o<br>Walking home, I can handle that.<br><br>But not walking to my sisters school and then home.<br><br>I hope the weather gets better for you!<br>It's going to drop down back to that soon for me too. ;-;</span></span>
<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">XD<br>I'm in Alberta<br>And we're getting winds from BC right now instead of the Yukon, so it warmed up. <br><br>tiffer, Yeah, I am. xD<br>My blood has thickened up tons. lmao<br>But once summer comes, it thins out again.<br>And then anything below 10c I get cold and need a jacket. xD<br>So it's just a matter of adapting. x33<br><br>We can suffer together Ebony once my cold returns. </span></span>
That's warm to you!? :shock: It's like 30F outside here and I can barely stand to open the door to let the animals out. Warm to me is like 90F +, LOL. You guys probably all live up North though so you're used to the cold. I'd probably freeze in seconds up there. :P<br><br><br>Cute dog, Horse! I used to have a dog just like that when I was little.
It snowed a lot the last two days. It was -13F yesterday and it's -11F today and supposed to get colder... Yay cold! 8) <br><br>I've never seen my dog want to come back inside so fast in her life. Usually she wants to play ball when we go potty. But yesterday she pottied and ran right back to the door.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel