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New Club

Even though I don't have a prestige kennel I want to make a new club dedicated to the badly bred dogs on VP. Club Name: H.U.D.S-Helping Unwanted Dogs Succeed. The club is about buying unwanted dogs & training them to their full potential. Then finding them a new home. More will be added soon but I need some sponser with this one. I will need 1 prestige but not a must 2-3 trainers and a few breeders. Please help VP & help the unwanted dogs on VP <br><br>If there is enough people we can succeed if not I will give the idea up :(<br>Post here if you would like to help :)
Please PM me if I win/bought anything!


  • I think that it is a good Idea.
  • I train so we could have a training deal and I am not a sponser I dont take long and I want to help
    ~Punish The deed NOT the Breed~ Bully breeds are my specialty
    ~Here is my kennel link ~
    Hey! I train
    Message me if I win anything or if u want training done
  • I am sorry to say we had to give up. There is not enough interest in this club so i thank you all for you interest but sorry it hasnt succeeded
    Please PM me if I win/bought anything!
  • i dont think it is a good idea becuase i have had clubs befor most of the time people dont even enter the events and you can just make it so your dogs are the only ones in the club i think that is agins the rules and clubs are a little boring because there are so maney of them and most of them have no mebers and you will have to make events alot so people that want to join will not want to quit becuase people that join clubs want to event there dog all the time and it is realy boring to make 8 events that you dont no if anyone in your club will even enter but if you dont want to make a club you can ake events for everyone and alot of peple will enter that events . i would suggest if you have a pregress kennel to notr make a club and just have events open so every one to join but it is not my kennel so you can do what you want :) i hope i have helped
  • oh that sucks if i saw it earlyer i would have used my presige club for it<br>you and me majik could have done it. Oh well maybe next time
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