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Dear Teenage Drivers......

edited January 2009 in Vent
You are not as cute as you think you are. This only applies to the idiotic drivers I see on a regular basis here in my state. I'm sure there are plenty of normal teenage drivers who have respect for their fellow human beings somewhere. *Sighs* As some of you may know I have no car so I walk everywhere that I go. This should really not be a problem because it's good exercise and helps conserve gas. Granted if I had a car things would be a LOT better for me and hubby..Anyway I'm rambling and not getting to my original point. *Back to my rant at teenage drivers*<br><br>As I said you are NOT as cute as you think you are. Driving at irresponsible speeds and blowing the horn at people who are not doing anything wrong is not cute. Yelling obscenities or stupid things like "Get a car" just make you look like an idiot. My walking down the PUBLIC sidewalk minding my own business should be no concern of yours. Obviously your parents haven't bothered to teach you simple human respect. I feel sorry for you when you get out into the real world and learn the hard way that sometimes saying the wrong thing to the wrong person can be dangerous. Oh and one more thing..Do yourself and others a favor HANG UP YOUR CELL PHONE AND DRIVE...You might thing it's your car and your life so it's your choice. But what about the child you run over? Or the father on his way home who is the sole support for his family that you run off the road and injure so that he can't work any more? It's not just your life in your hands when you aren't paying attention to the road.<br><br>*End rant*


  • I am a teenage driver, and I completely agree. Pulling out of the parking lot at my high school is downright terrifying (not to mention <span style="font-style:italic">walking</span> out).<br><br>I have seen to many tragedies resulting from teenage drivers to even consider talking on my phone or otherwise distracting myself. And I'm a pedestrian a lot as well, so I can sympathize with you.<br><br>-Rosy
  • <span style="font-size:84">I know exactly what you mean Tara. I can drive, but I chose not too <br>because I prefer to ride my bike. But a lot of the time I don't want to drive <br>because of the numerous times I've almost been hit on my bike. People just <br>have so many distractions around them that they don't concentrate on<br> driving and watching whats going on in the world around them. And then on <br>top of that they have to shout rude things at other people, or in my case, <br>throw trash at me because I'm an "elitist bicyclist". They do that to my dad <br>also, and it's makes me angry since he loves to go out and ride with me. <br>And I don't even want to say how many people I have seen texting while <br>driving... </span>
  • Rosy I remember driving to and from school (even though it's be a long time lol)..And I remember how scary it could be. It makes me happy to see that there are some teenage drivers out there who are more responsible.<br><br>Steph you are right people in general just let too many things distract them when driving. I was mad about an incident with specifically teenage drivers when I posted this so I didn't stop to think it's not always teens lol. And I know what you mean about having to be careful on a bike. My husband hasn't been hit on his bike but I worry about that every day he goes to work because he rides back and forth on a bike five days a week.
  • There should be laws against being an jerk while driving. People do that because they're too scared to be a jerk to someone's face, and it's ridiculous. I think one of the funniest things I ever saw was when I was in California and a car full of unhealthily obese teenagers drove past and yelled, "Get a car!" and I yelled, "Cause it's doing you so much good?" I was so proud ^-^
  • Haha nice Xaetian.<br><br>One time I was walking at some random van full of men (or teenaged boys) were all staring at me and I'm like, go away... anyway there was a truck stopped in front of them and they were going really fast and they ALMOST hit the stinking trunk. It was stopped for children crossing, and they veered to the side where the kids were. Luckily no one was hurt, I would have hated to be the culprit in the hittage of some innocent kids. :( Just goes to show how much LOOKING AT THE ROAD is important.
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  •<br>I completely agree.<br>Especially with the rude bursts of immaturity coming from an open car window.<br>I get it all the time when walking down the street with a friend.<br>Some are even sexual. Bleeh, it's horrid.
  • Xaetian wrote:
    There should be laws against being an jerk while driving. People do that because they're too scared to be a jerk to someone's face, and it's ridiculous. I think one of the funniest things I ever saw was when I was in California and a car full of unhealthily obese teenagers drove past and yelled, "Get a car!" and I yelled, "Cause it's doing you so much good?" I was so proud ^-^
    <br><br>Whoo! Yay Xae! Mom is proud of you :D. I am going to have to remember that one next time they shout get a car.
  • Spoiled Children really have no decent respect for others. I myself am still a child not old enough to be a teen not small enought to be a baby, and I see how my spoild friends act tords their parents and other humans in genrel. <br><br>Besides that fact, if someone shouts "Get a car!!" to you, it's just ignorant. It's no bussiness of theirs weither you want to walk or drive.<br><br>No matter what there are always going to be those spoild brats who get life handed to them on a silver platter. But once it comes time to getting a job, no ones going to say "Oh, well, your spoild so whatever you want". :roll: <br><br>Life is like a pretty ballon that they have intill one day....POP, right in their face.<br><br>That's what we like to call a reality cheak. :lol:
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  • I am still not legally able to drive, but will be very soon. I understand what you mean. The people my age though, we go everywhere on our bikes, it's just normal. <br><br>But, for the people just a grade or so above us, it is horrid. We have a very confusing parking lot at our high school, where to get out some areas, you have to go against trafic, and, many people have gotten hit. <br><br>When I went to New York (first time I was in a real city you could say) I was mortified by all the horrible drivers. My friend was nearly hit by a car, and I saw them, they were just screaming at us, 'Get a life!' and many obsinities. <br><br>While I do drive (legally on my own private land), I would never dream of driving at high speeds that puts other people in danger, thinking less of people who don't/can't own cars, and really see no need trying to look and fail at being 'cool' by putting other people in danger. <br><br>But, if people really think they are cool for that, they should really be sent back to Kindergarden.
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