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Locker room Theives

edited January 2009 in Vent
My school have had quite a bit of theivery in the girls locker room. I am extremly annoyed. My friend's phone got stolen a few weeks ago. The person actually went in her backback while she was in the bathroom! She came back and Bam! It was gone. After that, almost everyone was bringing their backpacks to gym. Except 2 Girls who thought that they were fine. They left their backpacks there, and didn't lock them up! As they said, The backpacks were to hard to walk around with. Well of course they come back and both of thir phones were gone! Haha one of my friend who left their backpack there said that her markers were stolen. Yes, Markers. Also peoples gym clothes seem to be disapearing. I am Always going to bring my backpack out now. They tried locking the lockerooms while we were in gym but that didnt work because the bathrooms are in the lockeroom. I am somewhat scared. I know I will be ok if I bring my backpack out, but still who would steal that stuff? It makes me suspicous of everyone around me xD Lol.
Clickey Please!



  • the same thing happened to me, accept they stole it out of my jeans pocket, which were in my locker! my nasty smeely gym locker! i dunno who would even go in that thing!
  • Omg I know. The first day of grade 7 I wore the BEST nike hoodie in the world, put it in the gym locker room, in a locker too in like the corner, and then when I came home and looked for it in my backpack it wasn't there... So I rode back to school and looked for it in my locker and it wasn't there either. And I never saw it since. I was soooo sad. :(
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Yeah, we have problems like that at my school too.<br><br>Are you not allowed to bring locks for those lockers?<br><br>Oh.. this is Hose-Frog-Pickle by the way.. >.><br>Too lazy to switch accounts. xD</span></span>
    We is the snad ones. Sandy and Liz and Horse. Fear us. Meow.
    Wheaty is also one of the snaddest people ever.
    And so is ViVi :3
    But not Middy. x3
  • Gawsh I am luckie nothing of mine has been stolen yet. I had to spend like 2 hours after school a couple weeks ago looking for my friends phone. Asking teachers, calling it, I thought she had left it at home at first but for once she was responsible and actually remmembered to bring it to school.
    Clickey Please!

  • i had a lock on my locker, but my locker buddy (THANKS KADIE :evil: ) broke it, so right now we dun have one
  • We haven't had anything like that, but I think maybe some pencil stealers<br><br>:D
    I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
  • We do have locks, but our lockers are so small we cant fit our backpacks in them. There are bigger ones you can use just for the gym peroid then lock your clothes up in the smaller one, but it is a pain to move things around so much considering most girls have mirrors, brushes, makeup in their locker.
    Clickey Please!

  • I was right there when a boy stole my iPod out of MY backpack. My pack was behind me, and he took it right out...<br><br>I tracked him down. xD And he got pestered by the vice principal because of me.
  • Someone stole deodorant from me once o.O still dont get that one<br><br>oh, and my favorite jeans and my favorite GAP sweater. I luckily found the GAP sweater though:/
  • Hah I am trying to convince my friends to set up video cameras all over the place!
    Clickey Please!

  • I'd track.<br>I am pretty good at it myself ^^ xD<br>Evidence.<br>It's always easy to find school theives that steal things.<br>Plus, a theif has a hard time keeping secrets like stealing to themselves... which means they are very likely to tell someone it was them... therefore ends their skeems... well, sometimes.<br><br>It won't last long xD<br>Just sort of think about when/where and what was stolen, your sure to come up with something.<br><br>When I leave my iPod in the PE change room (we have no lockers in there :/) I always check to see who goes in there during the time we are participating--that way I can always tell who the theif would be if there was one.
  • One way I caught someone was one of my friends who had goten their phone stolen, had their phone on. I called it and it rang inside someone pocket. They got in BIIGG Trouble!
    Clickey Please!

  • were not allowed to bring phones in (well, that doesnt stop us) and we have a uniform. is so lame. luckily ill be leaving this year. anyways, one of my friends ( she was rich) has three pairs of $70 trainers nicked off the shelves in a fortnight! we dont have lockers..

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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  • That would really stink, having uniforms and no phones! I am glad we have lockers and gym clothes
    Clickey Please!

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