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Sticky? VP Funny Chat Logs/IMs



  • 01(1400:4201) 01· 4ReindeerSnacks 01· horse dont leave<br>01(1400:4201) 01· 4ReindeerSnacks 01· i need you<br>01(1400:4301) 01· 4ReindeerSnacks 01· and moony<br>01(1400:4301) 01· 4ReindeerSnacks 01· we are a triangle and with out one<br>01(1400:4301) 01· 4ReindeerSnacks 01· we are boring lines :D<br>01(1400:4301) 01· 4ReindeerSnacks 01· there is my deepness for the year xD<br>01(1400:4301) 15· Horse 15· Oh no :O not the boring lines<br>01(1400:4301) 15· Horse 15· lmao
  • edited December 2008
    Lunar (11:30:23 AM): wouldn't it be amazing if you could train a dog but w. todays technology record the actions then just reply & train a dog just like that -snaps fingers-<br>Lunar(11:30:32 AM): replay*<br>Vampire Venom (11:30:46 AM): YES!!!!!!!<br>Lunar(11:30:54 AM): mhm<br>Lunar(11:30:57 AM): -turns smart-<br>Lunar(11:31:02 AM): ill invent it ^.-<br>Vampire Venom (11:31:05 AM): ok xD<br>Vampire Venom(11:31:12 AM): *turns smart too* <br>Lunar(11:31:46 AM): xD<br>Vampire Venom (11:32:05 AM): ill help *gets idea* if we attatch th thingy majig to the turbo something combuster it might just be possible<br>Lunar (11:32:30 AM): -dies-<br>Vampire Venom(11:33:42 AM): *looses smartness* duuuuuuuuuuh -drools- A BUTTERFLY!!!!!! *chases*<br>Lunar(11:33:51 AM): XD<br>Lunar(11:33:54 AM): -does same-<br>Vampire Venom (11:34:01 AM): lol<br>Lunar (11:34:10 AM): -gets destaracted & naws on Robins head-<br>Vampire Venom(11:34:23 AM): HAHA! i got a hat xD<br>Lunar (11:34:26 AM): XD<br>Lunar (11:34:33 AM): a Lulu Hat its the newest Fab<br><br><br><br>
    <br><br><br><br>Lunar(12:25:11 PM): thers some player who act way weird & immature & are like 30<br>Vampire Venom (12:25:16 PM): yea<br>Vampire Venom(12:25:29 PM): i mean.. we might be wierd and crazy<br>Lunar(12:25:29 PM): ill prolly still be playing XD<br>Vampire Venom(12:25:34 PM): but were not immature<br>Vampire Venom (12:25:36 PM): me 2 xD<br>Lunar(12:25:40 PM): yea but its us so where aloud<br>Vampire Venom(12:25:59 PM): yep exactally<br>Lunar(12:26:35 PM): XD<br>Vampire Venom(12:26:46 PM): well be little old ladies playing VP<br>Vampire Venom(12:26:47 PM): xD<br>Lunar (12:27:06 PM): XDD HAHA<br>Lunar (12:27:11 PM): post are pictures<br>Vampire Venom(12:27:17 PM): lol<br>Lunar(12:27:19 PM): we'll be old mean ops too<br>Vampire Venom(12:27:23 PM): yes!<br>Vampire Venom(12:27:33 PM): *hey kids! get off my lawn!!* <br>Vampire Venom(12:27:42 PM): o.o its vp.. u dont HAVE a lawn<br>Lunar(12:27:44 PM): -yelling at a n00b on chat- do you kiss your mother w. that mouth!<br>Lunar(12:27:47 PM): XD<br>Lunar (12:27:49 PM): yea well<br>Lunar(12:27:51 PM): -drools-<br>Lunar (12:27:52 PM): XD<br>Vampire Venom(12:28:07 PM): *.........dag flabbit hush up youngin.. no respect for your elders*<br>Lunar(12:28:29 PM): -old lady fart-
  • we pwn the world Lulu
    Deleted by Game Op for not following banner size requirements.
  • 03[18:45] * Fluffy sets mode: +o NinjaElf<br>01[18:45] <Reno> Good, no more rage quitting?<br>01[18:45] <Reno> D=<br>03[18:45] * NinjaElf sets mode: +b *!*<br>01[18:45] <Reno> Here we go..<br>[18:45] #ROOMNAME You are banned (#ROOMNAME)<br>03[18:46] * You were kicked by NinjaElf (No it's more getting rid of the annoying brat banning · 58)<br>Session Close: Tue Dec 23 18:46:35 2008<br><br><br><br><br>There's no other way to put it.
  • <KimYo> Horse...<br><Horse|Training> Kim...<br><KimYo> do you know what you make me do?<br><Horse|Training> o.o<br><Horse|Training> Nope... xD<br><KimYo> i get gas when i see you. o.o it's soo romantic.<br><Horse|Training> I seem to have that effect on people.<br><KimYo> =D<br><KimYo> the feeling's mutual<br><KimYo> i feel the same way about you too Horse<br><Horse|Training> Don't tell Wheaty.. :o<br><KimYo> :o we shall not<br><KimYo> =D our little secret<br><KimYo> hehe<br><Horse|Training> lmao<br><br>Just one of the things I do when I come back to VP. haha
    kimyo.jpeg 31275.png
  • kimyo wrote:
    <KimYo> Horse...<br><Horse|Training> Kim...<br><KimYo> do you know what you make me do?<br><Horse|Training> o.o<br><Horse|Training> Nope... xD<br><KimYo> i get gas when i see you. o.o it's soo romantic.<br><Horse|Training> I seem to have that effect on people.<br><KimYo> =D<br><KimYo> the feeling's mutual<br><KimYo> i feel the same way about you too Horse<br><Horse|Training> Don't tell Wheaty.. :o<br><KimYo> :o we shall not<br><KimYo> =D our little secret<br><KimYo> hehe<br><Horse|Training> lmao<br><br>Just one of the things I do when I come back to VP. haha
    I GOT DUMPED WELL HORSE ITS OVER Moony shall continue to be my one and only *pouts*
  • <span style="font-size:92">[14:35] <@Imaginary>; O:::<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; MY DREAM GUY<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; IS BLACK HAIR<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; AND GREEN EYES<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; <33<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; o.o<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; ew.<br>[14:35] <@Lixxu>; o.o<br>[14:35] <@Lixxu>; xD<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; That means I'm destined for Harry Potter.<br>[14:35] <@Imaginary>; xD<br>[14:35] <@Lixxu>; ROFL<br>[14:35] <@Lixxu>; XD<br><br>..<br>lmao. xD</span>
  • [20:52] <@Salem[MIA]>; HOLLAND<br>[20:52] <@Salem[MIA]>; -eats-<br>[20:52] <@Injection>; KAYTEE <br>[20:52] <@Injection>; -licks-<br>[20:52] <@Salem[MIA]>; o_O<br>[20:53] <@Salem[MIA]>; -chews-<br>[20:55] <@Injection>; o.o<br>[20:55] <@Injection>; -bites-<br>[20:55] <@Salem[MIA]>; -gnaws-<br>[20:56] <@Injection>; -salivates on-<br>[20:56] <@Salem[MIA]>; -chews on head-<br>[21:03] <@Salem[MIA]>; >_><br>[21:03] <@Salem[MIA]>; <_<
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • [16:18] <KimYo> you have #5's mother?<br>[16:18] <KimYo> and you didn't tell me?<br>[16:19] <KimYo> AND<br>[16:19] <KimYo> you have #5's father?<br>[16:19] <KimYo> -.-<br>[16:19] <KimYo> xD<br>[16:19] <Krow> O.o<br>[16:19] <Krow> say what?<br>[16:19] <KimYo> xD<br>[16:20] <KimYo> you own the parents of #5 off nonimports<br>[16:20] <KimYo> both of em<br>[16:20] <KimYo> and the dad's a 10x4<br>[16:20] <Krow> LMFAO<br>[16:20] <KimYo> the mom's a 9x4<br>[16:20] <KimYo> geez...<br>[16:20] <KimYo> xD<br>[16:20] <Krow> -dies laughing-<br>[16:20] <Krow> XDD i didnt even notice<br>[16:20] <KimYo> ebilness
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