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edited December 2008 in General Services
If your interested in Showing The Rescued then visit my kennel<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Showing The Rescued</a>


  • Any skill maxxers out there?? Will pay up to 25K
  • I'll gladly skill max for 25k.I'm a novice but I'm pretty fast send a few overe I can train about 5 :]
    "Edward Cullen is like a chocalate bar, you always gotta have it."-Avs :D
  • I'll skill max for 25! On VP I'm MustangBoy615
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
  • Okay sweet :] how many dogs do you want to skill max. and where do I send them.
  • Ummm...3 maybe and send them to MustangBoy615
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
  • contracts sent thanks :]
  • yuppers!
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
  • <span style="font-size:150"><br>[Adopting A Dog]</span><span style="font-size:75"> ..without actually keeping the dog..</span><br>Im sure you have heard of the "helping children" in real life. This is going to be like that. How this is going to work...<br>You can pay $250 to "adopt" a dog from my kennel that you pick. That's all you will pay. You can always check up on the dog. See if the dog is trained. Been showed, ect. BUT you may not get this dog after the training, showing ect.<br>You pay $250 and I pick a dog from a rescue or my kennel, you may request several breeds that you can adopt. You can check up on your dog and see if it has been trained, showed, ect. BUT you may not get this dog after the training, showing, ect.<br>You pay 100K and you pick the dog from my kennel, or any rescue kennel. You may check up on the dog, see if its been trained, showed, ect. Then whenever you want in the dogs life time you may ask to take him to your kennel for the rest of the dogs life. BUT you dont have control over when the dog will be showed, what its showed in, and when it finally passes and gets to old age.<br><br>WITH this program you do not have to pay training fees, boarding fees (taking turns), and showing fees. The package where you pay 100K does help most of this so I dont have to save money myself and pay.
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